Search/Tag - Last Update filtered by preferred translated language. :planned:

Group Leader
Jun 18, 2018
Right now when you want to find a manga with the isekai tag (for example), the default sort for the search result is Last Update. However, the Last Update also include ALL language the manga is being translated. This means some manga that already got English update that just recently got other language update also appears on the top of the Last Update.

Yes, the way the Last Update is sorting right now is technically correct as there is no filter for preferred language. However, when I click on the mange which bring me to the manga's home page I do not see any new chapters in English because I selected English as my preferred language.

Not sure how hard this is but if there can also be a preferred language filter in the search field as well OR make ALL search result only applied to selected preferred language.

Thanks for reading!~

Edit: There's another similar suggestion but no respond from mod or Planned/Rejected tag on it.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 27, 2018
It had no mod response because it was not the first time someone suggested this, by far. And it will likely not be the last.

Yes. They want to do this.
No, they don't know when they'll be able to. It's a lot more complicated to do properly than one would think.

EDIT: by the way, if there's no mod response to a month-old thread, that may be because the sticky thread for planned/rejected features already mentions it. You should just generally read it first, like the thread title tells you to.
Custom title
Jan 19, 2018
@AbyssalMonkey Chapter count isn't remotely the same thing as ordering manga based on the latest updated language
Custom title
Jan 19, 2018
The chapters are indexed by upload date so when we're getting the latest n chapters (for the front page) mysql doesn't need to look through the entire chapter table. Actually, for follows I think it in fact does in order to get a total count for the pagination, but that's a terrible system I should be removing anyway.

The reason the latest chapter for a given manga is cheap is because the chapter id is stored and updated as a column in the manga table, which obviously doesn't allow for multiple languages. This would reasonably (I hope) be solved by using a meta table for the latest manga/chapter/language combination, but we haven't really done the work for that yet.

A similar system could probably also be used to store the total chapter count per manga per language. At least until users start requesting the total should take into account their unavailable chapters and (the upcoming) group ignore filters. The manga search doesn't perform well as it is, I really wouldn't want to start having to loop through the entire chapters table (which is over 20 times larger) as well.

That's my understanding of it at least. rdn is much more familiar and experienced with the backend and db stuff than I am so if you have further questions I guess try to bug him about it.

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