Searching for Raws! - shoujo manga Watashi to Shishou to Kagetoki no Tabi

Dex-chan lover
Apr 14, 2018
Hi all!

Just as the title says, I’m looking for raws for the shoujo manga Watashi to Shishou to Kagetoki no Tabi. It’s a pretty short manga and has been complete for a little while now. I used to frequent a site that provided raws, and I offered translations for this manga while I was there. The site has unfortunately gone down. I still have a few of those translations and would love to scanlate the manga to post here! But, I can’t find digital raws (I don’t have the means to import and scan physical copies myself). Some of the bigger sites that provide raws don’t seem to have this manga, so I’m finally reaching out to here!

If anyone can point me in a direction to obtain raws or even has these raws available (!), please let me know!

Thanks in advance!
Double-page supporter
Jan 20, 2018
I'm not "evil". I'm doing it in hope that people ashamed of their lazynes will learn how to use google (or bing or whatever you use) 😁

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