Solid expression of Cain's new power. I expect he'll be brought down a peg or two very soon, possibly within the next few fights. Cain has yet to truly lose, and he'll have to at some point.
Wait, the explanation of this tribe is confusing. So basically saying, to make it fair, each of the 51 families will offer a daughter to the king so that he can make at least one of his child from each of the families? Is that it?
@SaitoHimea yep that's right. Maybe the reason why is if the king takes a wife from only one family, that family will gain power or be arrogant and the one's who didn't will feel that it's unfair.
But dang the king needs to sleep with 51 women wao
@shiirosagi better than one queen sleeping with 51 men. By the time a queen could have done the same the king could have had 51 to the power of 51 kids