Thanks for the chapter!
Good to see both MC and Haru don't take insults to the other lightly. Although it didn't explain whether MC and Haru got their own room and bed or if shared one together along with night activities occuring or not. Guess we'll have to find out later if it's explained or just one of those important details never mentioned and glossed over like what the toilets are like or how used.
Description doesn't really explain what that thug is with just fighter. A fighter means he fights but not whether he uses a particular weapon like a swordsman using a sword or not. In LN guy was described as a Pugilist which is another way of saying fist fighter or boxer (uses fists as main form of attack with little or no kicks or uses weapons like brass knuckles but not handled weapons like a mace or sword.) Also, MC was right in guy was trying to trick them into thinking he'd fight with a weapon and arena rules would hamper them. Will likely be explained on how thug was using rules to advantage in chapter with fight.
Isn't that flashlight really a lantern? A flashlight uses stored energy to shoot light mainly in direction, that looks like a stereotypical lantern that spreads light in all directions while burning a candle that wasn't included.