@jhadred well I don't really remember any measurements for the bread I made or what temperature/how long to bake, but it was literally just flour, water and a pinch of salt. If I were to compare it to anything it ends up like a denser, kind of doughy ciabatta; not exactly a bread I'd recommend, but fresh and warm out of the oven it was surprisingly good all things considered.
I actually ended up trying to make tangzhong today because of you

It was a complete disaster though lol, was heating up some milk to make hot chocolate only to find out that we had ran out of chocolate, so instead of wasting the milk I was like "oh isn't this how you make tangzhong". Added the 1/5th flour, then after a while I realized "wait, it's actually water you use isn't it" :')) so I ended up wasting the milk anyway. Oh well, you live and learn.
If you want some really interesting other world food culture stuff I recommend Isekai Ryouridou, if you haven't read it! Chef guy gets isekai'd and ends up living with a kinda primitive tribe, and in that one he really has to adapt his food to the culture as well as available ingredients.
Isekai de Café wo Kaiten Shimashita is another one I really enjoy, it's one of those food manga that strikes a really good balance of food and plot. There's a lot of food manga rn where there isn't much of a plot, just really nice food art and every chapter is pretty much standalone; not a huge fan of those, so whenever I come across something like this one it's a good day. It doesn't nerd out with measurements and stuff, but it has stuff like where the MC has to be head chef for a banquet or something, and you get to see all the frantic kitchen work and also the kitchen hierarchy that goes on behind the scenes-- definitely recommend !