Is Lughs character changing or something? He's acting more like a dumbass kid than an old assassin vet at this point.
Instead of condeming Epona with his look he should've talked to her properly so her mental state doesn't deteriorate further like it did when she started thrashing around afterwards, especially since he knew about her circumstances and the berserker-status beforehand.
And instead of letting the orcs retreat he should've followed them to determine where they're going and where they came from.
It's obviously some kind of portal that opened up.
Yeah, for one thing he's aware of how dangerous Epona is, and also how fragile her mental state is, he clearly saw with his own eyes that she experienced something very similar to the event that traumatized her, but despite professing to want to avoid killing her, he's just completely randomly forgetting all of that and absentmindedly wandering around like "huh, wonder if she's okay, guh". I get the strong feeling the author wants to push a plot where Epona's mental state deteriorates, and can't come up with a plausible way to make that happen if the MC does the obvious thing and like, comforts her, so he's just forcefully making the MC an idiot temporarily so the mental deteroriation plot can happen.