Sengoku Komachi Kuroutan: Noukou Giga - Vol. 14 Ch. 66 - Reconnaissance

Dex-chan lover
May 19, 2023
I believe the gun is a percussion-fired musket. Since there is no frizzen its unlikely to be a flint lock. I also dont believe it uses metal cartridges since the metallurgy just isn't there to be able to draw copper or brass the way you would need to in order to make cartridges out of it. You need both the knowledge AND the infrastructure in order for that to be feasible, and its not likely that sufficient advancement in the infrastructure has been completed this quickly.
Percussion caps can potentially be made with just the chemical knowledge, however, so that's my best bet. The musket might also be rifled, but that depends on what Shizuko thinks is more important. Yes, the rifling will increase accuracy and, as a result, range a good bit. However its not without drawbacks. The rifling fouls pretty quickly by black powder and the rifle is slower and harder to load as a result. The Minié ball was invented partly to combat this, and since it's a pretty simple matter of casting a lead bullet in a particular shape, it's possible Shizuko has made this advance too. Im leaning towards it being a rifled musket.
I don't think she has made the advance to smokeless powder, since the iron japan is able to produce at this point in history couldn't safely handle the increased pressure of the modern powder. (Again its a question of the metallurgical process and facilities.) It would mean pretty regular and catastrophic, quite often lethal, explosive misfires. And we know Shizuko is all about reducing unnecessary suffering and death, I don't think she will introduce smokeless powder before they have the ability to make better steel.
Well thats my two cents anyway.
Dex-chan lover
May 19, 2023
"people of color" in the translation feels out of place. It says "colored race" in the raws (Yūshoku jinshu, 有色人種), which also fits the speaker better as the other term is a very modern American invention.
I'm more concerned with how the chapter presents racism as something that sets Europeans aside as compared to other peoples. Like, come on. it's the 1500s, racism was the norm all over the world, its not something that the Europeans introduced to the rest of the world.
Dex-chan lover
May 17, 2019
It's really a hurdle for me to accept the believability every time Shizuko is in "tactical leader" setting. It's my selfish hope as a reader that the author tones that part down or altogether disassociate Shizuko with warfare matters. Civving it up with interesting characters is way more fun anyway and her role in the war can be substituted by another more qualified military man. Her impact can still be felt on the battlefield without being there with the Miso cube invention and other stuff.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 18, 2020
[Insert the Samurai version of Yankee Doodle here]

I am a regular bannerman of the great Oda, and I own a rifle for home defense, since that is what the Great Unifier intended.

Four shinobis from the Takeda broke into my study.

"Nanjya korewa!" I exclaimed as I grabbed my powdered kabuto and Sharps rifle.

Blew a sumo fist-sized hole through the first ninja, and he's dead on the spot.

Then I drew my pistol on the second ninja, but I missed him entirely because my squire had been neglecting his maintenance duty.
Silly boy, and because of that, the stray bullet nailed the neighbour's dog.

I had to resort to the Armstrong gun mounted at the top of the stairs, which was loaded with shrapnel canister.

"Tenka Bufu, lads!"

The shrapnels eviscerated two men in the blast.
The sound and the extra shapnels set off the giant bell in the local fire department.

I quickly fixed bayonet and charged the remaining terrified rapscallion.
He bled to death while waiting for the security force to arrive, since triangular bayonet wounds are impossible to stitch up.

Just as the Great Unifier intended.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 5, 2018
I mean the idea of scouting a battlefield is nice and all, but her changing history should start to impact these things.
aka Takeda should - as he did - take not of these activities and maybe fight elsewhere or at a different time.
Shingen was no fool after all.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2018
I'm more concerned with how the chapter presents racism as something that sets Europeans aside as compared to other peoples. Like, come on. it's the 1500s, racism was the norm all over the world, its not something that the Europeans introduced to the rest of the world.
I have to disagree with you there. The series wasn't presenting that only Europeans were racists, but presenting an important context to a lot of missionary work from European powers which often led to subjugation of native populaces.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 26, 2018
Ah yes the enlightened modern Japanese are clearly in a position to judge the racism of 16th century European missionaries.

I'm wondering how this will end.
I'm thinking:
  1. She returns to a distorted version of her time, when Japan is centuries ahead of the rest of the world.
  2. She lives to see the unification of Japan under Ieyasu, then goes back like nothing happens.
  3. She creates tanks and mechs and successfully invades Korea to battle a time shifted Admiral Yi who has modern battleships.
I'm personally hoping for the third one.
Full alternate history. Japan unifies faster, no isolation policy, Japanese Empire sweeping through China, Korea, and Russia. No Qing Dynasty, no Russian Empire. Population surge thanks to corn, potatoes, and maize centuries ahead of schedule. Colonizes Oceania and the West Coast of America a century before the Louisiana Purchase or penal colonies to Australia and absorbs the entire Western hemisphere. Crushes the fractured Holy Roman Empire. Wins the Great Game for Transoxiana and India against Britain. Don't even bother with Africa or Caribbean as they already have sugarcane, spices, and all the gold and oil reserves in Asia along with industrialization so no need for plantations or chattel slavery.
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Dex-chan lover
Sep 5, 2019
Girlie has a cellophane made from some weird ass natural polymer source for her greenhouse, if she can do that then Guncotton is basically an afterthought.
My bet is on caplock rifle muzzle-loaded with a nitrocelulose based propellant and Minnie ball, I don't think she has enough skilled craftsmen to deploy breech-loaders.
Dex-chan lover
Sep 9, 2019
It's really a hurdle for me to accept the believability every time Shizuko is in "tactical leader" setting. It's my selfish hope as a reader that the author tones that part down or altogether disassociate Shizuko with warfare matters. Civving it up with interesting characters is way more fun anyway and her role in the war can be substituted by another more qualified military man. Her impact can still be felt on the battlefield without being there with the Miso cube invention and other stuff.
Remember when she was just a girl?:unsure:

"One fateful day, a girl time slipped into the Sengoku Era.
It was an abrupt enough event to be dubbed god’s whim, done to sate hellish boredom.
The girl has no power to change the world.
She was a very ordinary, common, and plain girl that can be found anywhere.
And that girl can do no more than a single thing.
Survive the Sengoku Era ——– that’s all."

That's the description of the story we're all reading lol.:ROFLMAO:
Dex-chan lover
Aug 29, 2018
"people of color" in the translation feels out of place, as that's a very modern Americanized construction. The raw text is yūshoku jinshu (有色人種), which is commonly translated as "colored race" (you can google that and see examples of that translation). That fits the speaker and historical setting better.
It might be a bit of a localisation but Its fine. If it was an actual person in the story saying that line, I would agree with you but I feel like the narrator is speaking from the perspective of the current era so using those kinds of phrases is fine

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