Ah... The good ol' "If Only" thought, may I told you dear reader, if you want to make a move but had almost zero guts, you either have two choices first is be a man and then just do It and probably get fucked, or be a chicken and then regret that shit for the next 10 years of your life.
And trust me, the later one is much more hurtfull then the first one, because if you know that she/he didn't into you it's no problem and you can move on, but if you just stay quiet you Will soon regret not making any move, and then you'll start doing the "If Only" thought that will ruin your mind.
My advice: don't be like Komachi, please. If you want to talk/make a move to your crush, just do it, it's better than doing nothing and then regret doing it.
Source: dude, trust me.