Senryuu Shoujo - Vol. 13 Ch. 163 - A romantic simulation with Koto

Dex-chan lover
Jan 29, 2018
@SuperOniichan nah man, i ain't even need to generalizes no nothing, just applying your own argument is enough to show its absurdity

you build it all under the delusion that koto is bisexual anyway, that is, that she specifically wants to fuck nanako
to which i've been saying, take off your yuri goggles mate, your yuri delusion ain't real
you're even stomping upon koto's character arc they spend a whole volume on
Personally, I see the problem [...] that the author is clearly trying to sell it to us as yuri stuff
you know what? that's fair
while i can't see this yuri loophole you're talking about since i can differentiate between a friend and a couple, i can understand why someone wouldn't want a yuri-lite fanservice in a hetero manga
and the author does portrays the scene as if it's a yuri fanservice

The implication is that had this chapter been with a guy taking Nanako on a date, driving at night on the mountain top, whether they were friends or not; and had he jumped on top of her and tried to forcibly kiss her only to have her dad miraculously show up at the last second, Nanako and this entire comment section would be freaking out.
to make that hypothetical scene actually comparable to this scene, the guy needs to have been established as gay though. like, make him even crossdress to drive the point home.
i guess we'd probs still see the comment section freaking out, but probs not because of ntr
Group Leader
Jan 21, 2019
First, @SuperOniichan remember that here you're not in your ghetto, so please stop using that shitty slang and speack a normal english, I can't understand half of the thing you say.

Now the important stuff, @Akemua:
- Nanako's sexual orientation matters: if she practices kiss with a random boy, is a thing (but the real problem is that they're not close enough); but if she practices kiss with a female (close) friend/gay (close) friend/super-close chilhood friend (especially if friend of both), well, it's different. It dipends from person to person (and place to place), but for some people (including Eiji) isn't a so bad thing (just a very very stupid idea). The "let's practice kiss" is a pretty common gag, the only peculiarity here is that she have a boyfriend (which makes it even more stupid).
- also, this is just an act, do you think that an actor kissing a colleague is cheating on his partner?
- well, I see a lot of wrong things, but cheating is not one of them
- how can I be blinded by yuri? There is not yuri in that scene.
- "jumped on top of her and tried to forcibly kiss her"; did we read the same manga? Where you see the "forcibly"? It's just part of the act, ane Koto is just followin the "script".
- at the end, there is no actual kiss; even without the dad's gag, (probably) Koto wouldn't really give her a kiss (not a serious one, at least).
- I'm imagining the reaction of Nanako's dad, if she had been with a male friend, he would be freaking out for sure XD
- in the end, this is just a ridiculous gag in a manga based on ridiculous gags, just enjoy the shit and don't stress yourself.
- I can't understand your last sentence.

p.s. just to be clear, I'm not saying "if it's two girl, is Always OK". I'm considering and talking about this specific situation, with those specific people involved.
Active member
Aug 30, 2018
@Mage-goo What? Kid, go home. You're clearly incapable of comprehending what is being discussed. This literally has nothing to do with someone's sexuality other than the fact it's okay to do this kind of stuff as long as it's two females.
Active member
Aug 30, 2018
@RedEco - Hah, whatever. I'm done. You clearly cannot see the issues with these implications and choose to make a dumbass argument based on sexuality that has fuck all to do with what is being discussed.
Dex-chan lover
May 16, 2018
Eh, seems to me like she wasn't really gonna go through with it. Not that I particularly cared for her behaviour there.

Where the hell did the dad come from though?
Dex-chan lover
Jan 29, 2018
This literally has nothing to do with someone's sexuality other than the fact it's okay to do this kind of stuff as long as it's two females.
and it's only okay because those two girl doesn't want to fu-
oh wait, you will still insist that it should not be okay regardless aren't you

welp, can't say nothing no more then, must be suck for your gf, being pushed that kind of standard of intimacy that completely disregard their own standard of intimacy
Dex-chan lover
May 14, 2018
@mage_goo Who says she wants to fuck Nanako? Why are you constantly trying to declare that it is yuri goggles, although even you yourself admit that this is yuri fanservice? You yourself refute your own argument, but still try to use a straw man against me.

@RedEco Oh, my favorite moment, when people suddenly cease to understand you, when they are uncomfortable answering your question. And the "ghetto", lol. Do you get a random spasm of racism?

@Akemua It seems that these guys really think that no homo is a serious excuse for any gay cheating. Or at least that gay sex is only considered if you are bisexual or gay. No wonder that Hagure Idol tried to say that if you are bisexual, then you cannot have “just sex” with another girl. I didn’t even think that in 2020 people will have such weird stereotypes about relationships.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 29, 2018
@SuperOniichan just like how writing name in death note is portrayed like slashing a sword, even though the guy ain't actually slashing a sword, just because it's portrayed like yuri fanservice, doesn't mean that it is actually a yuri moment
that kind of portrayal dissonance has been used since forever for comedic purpose and whatnot
Who says she wants to fuck Nanako?
i blame the one that kept saying that koto's a bisexual
and i've been saying that unlike actual, blatant sex, this scene is the kind of scene that only get immoral if one of them has sexual inclination to the other
same thing as, let's say, hugging, taking a bath together, etc.
especially since girls tends to be more touchy with their close friend (compared to boys), holding hand case in point

or are you actually saying that the scene is on-par with sex on the intimacy level? maybe we can agreed on that if the kiss actually went through
Dex-chan lover
May 14, 2018
@mage_goo You have completely misunderstood the meaning of the dialogue, or you are still intentionally pretending to be this, therefore I repeat the last time. MAIN PROBLEM IN THE INTENTIONS of the author. It is from this that further double standards and immoral contexts flow. And only after that you can remember that Koto is bisexual and for her it can be an interesting loophole to get an intimate experience with another girl. All. If after this you continue to manipulate terminology, abuse a straw man or ignore other people's arguments, I will simply stop any communication with you as with a troll.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 29, 2018
ah yes, the intention of the author of "oh hey ain't it funny if we make this innocent scene looks like yuri instead?"
way too much overreacting just for the wrong fanservice demographic tho
or did you really think that the author intended for that scene to be a ntr scene when the author is a coward and it's so ooc for all the characters involved?
It is from this that further double standards and immoral contexts flow.
ah yes, the double standard that's actually about people treating couple and non-couple differently rather than about hetero pairing vs homo pairing
of course people give different standard to a pair that wanna fuck each other than to a pair that doesn't
the immoral context only exist if at least a part of the pair is sexually inclined to other
this might be hard for you to accept, but girls can actually touch (not in the sexual way, just literally having their skin that isn't part of their privates collide) other girls without them wanting to fuck each other
(now with extra explanation, so you can't misunderstand)
And only after that you can remember that Koto is bisexual
now this, is pure delusion
good job, you just retconned a whole volume just to push your own fanfic
this is why i said that you need to take off your yuri goggles

If after this you continue to manipulate terminology, abuse a straw man or ignore other people's arguments, I will simply stop any communication with you as with a troll
nah man, i called your favorite tricks first:
you gonna stop any communication regardless and calls me a troll
Dex-chan lover
May 14, 2018
@mage_goo Well, if in response to my warning I received the same thing even in larger quantities, then I just stop any conversation with you. I am not going to discuss something with a person who so openly ignores my arguments and tries to force me to refute non-existent theses with the help of a straw man.
Group Leader
Jan 21, 2019
@Akemua I explained the thing at the best of my ability, if you not agree with me, ok; but you can't complain if other people (including author and characters) don't have your same sensitivity.

@SuperOniichan I'm serious, my english level is not enough for your slang. I really can't understand your comment. (what racism?)
And no, I just think that there isn't "any gay cheating" here. I didn’t even think that in 2020 people will be so close-minded about kissing and silly comedy. You should remove the broom in your ass and relax.
Dex-chan lover
May 14, 2018
@RedEco I read Hagure Idol for too long, so things like "girl x girl isn't real" became my new trigger. As I said above, the problem is not whether there is NTR here or not. The problem is that the author uses Nanako's kiss with another person as joke, as she is a another girl. With a smile, I read a bunch of manga, compared to which Chernobyl looks like a burnt breakfast. But I'm embarrassed to see this in such an friendly manga.
Group Leader
Jan 21, 2019
@SuperOniichan Hagure Idol? Never heard of it before. Looks shitty.
Again, my englishisn't perfect, I still don't know what "NTR" means (and I searched a lot).
Still not a problem for me, a "uninvolved" kiss isn't a big deal, maybe because I put emphasy on intentions rather than actions, maybe because in my country we use kisses for greetings. If you didn't approve, ok, but it's not an objective ethical problem.
Dex-chan lover
May 14, 2018
@RedEco Hagure Idol is as if Go Nagai and Ed Wood conceived a child who happened to live in our time and draw manga with yuri before reason. At least this is the only way I can explain why Rui-sensei's manga is so much like the ridiculous ecchi of the 70s and the crazy exploitative cinema of the 60s.

Are you Italian? Well, in Russia this would not be a problem at all. We can make a lot of noise because of gays, because it does not go well with ultra-patriarchal culture, but lesbians are simply absent in the head of a Russian commoner, if it is not about feminists or lesbian porn.
Fed-Kun's army
Jan 1, 2019
We were on the verge of freathess, we were *this* close!

It wouldn’t be mangadex if people were debating by chucking paragraphs of text at each other in a romcom comment section lol.
Aggregator gang
Feb 20, 2019
That was a totally normal reaction from Nanako's dad, especially when he knows that Nanako got a boyfriend. Wait, I think he knows, does he?
Double-page supporter
Aug 9, 2019
Naturally I come back to see how the comments section is doing and there's 76 comments. Can't say I'm surprised.

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