I stopped reading this a while back because the plot lines were far too twisted, I think I'm gonna drop it all together now.
I know what it's going for, a series of characters doing twisted or incredibly wrong things and finding some kind of light at the end of it.
The thing is, at least for this chapter (I've not read the last ten before so can't comment on em) it's really coming off as a "oh you can fix so and so with love".
Rapists and sexual assaulters and all other kinds of crimes can be atoned for but this is not a man who wants to atone (*additionally its not up to someone's partner to fix them) , he's only gotten less vicious because his fiancee is pregnant and he might finally be caught. But then the women around him care more about his situation than themselves or the others getting hurt by him.
It makes me want to throw up.
This has the capacity to be better written than it is, for instance the girl with the brother who seems to hold an incestuous lust for her didn't need to be included. The guy she knows who likes her and framed and beats up guys didn't need to be included. They feel like extra drama for dramas sake, that make the plot less believable and more misery porn.
A woman being blackmailed into a sexual relationship feels much more believable, him doing the same or threatening multiple others too feels believable. His partner ignoring inconvenient truths likewise is too believable.
I dunno like I've read another manga like this is in the past based around 3 people getting progressively more and more fucked up. In the beginning it felt like it was exploring the themes of identity and outside perception and it was good for the first 30 or so chapters... Then it just went off the rails with misunderstandings, characters manipulating one and other, completely stupid scenarios that made it a tiresome slog to read.
At some point in a story with so much dark twisted stuff they keep upping it and upping it and it starts feeling like a parody of itself. Darkness that eclipses the sun isn't super engaging to read if it feels like there won't be a good ending to it either.
If someone could spoil me for the rest of the manga I'd be grateful, but I'm out. Hope the rest of you enjoy however long you read this for.