Sensitive Boy - Vol. 2 Ch. 9 - Touching Hands

Dex-chan lover
Mar 28, 2023
God damn she is in love with shojo romance tropes. Doesn't give a fuck about the guy at all. He is just a mean to an end. She seems pretty shaltered as well. (mom immidiately changes the channel at first sight of intimacy. Way to go mom! Save that birds and bees talk when she is 25 why don't you)
Aggregator gang
Nov 18, 2020
Oh no... she's probably the worst woman for him after what that teacher did to him...
Dex-chan lover
Jun 3, 2020
Oh, so that's what it was, her warped and fantasized "love".

Thanks for the chapter as always.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 22, 2023
So either tuition teacher is going to be past teacher that hurt MC or it will be some asshole guy trying to ruin this girl’s purity.
Calling it now.
Prepare for the bombs to drop.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 10, 2018
Considering how repressed she is and how off put she was by the mere idea that Kaede would "be into that stuff" the obvious elephant in the room is when Kaede finally makes it clear that he wasn't just sexually assaulted, he was outright raped as in full on intercourse against his will.

That is what is going to trigger her and cause her to distance herself and reject him. She will see him as impure and tainted because he participated in the forbidden act and she won't care about the context because to her the context is irrelevant, the act itself is all that matters.

I don't completely agree with people saying she doesn't actually care about him and is only using him to fulfill her ideal romance fantasy. She didn't know about him being "pure" prior to becoming smitten at first sight, that was only a revelation that came about after the fact. It is just serendipity that his trauma aligns with her desires (to an extent). That said, their goals are clearly not similarly aligned as Kaede has expressed a desire to return to normalcy which most likely includes having a healthy sexual relationship (it wouldn't be overcoming trauma if he never has sex again, that would be letting his trauma dictate the rest of his life). She isn't being willfully ignorant so much as her delusions are giving her a bias towards seeing him in a particular light.
Aggregator gang
Jun 6, 2020
This entire relationship is definitely a canon event for the two of them. Two teenagers with entirely different experiences and expectations in relationships. It's something that actually happens in real life, and you can't really blame the girl since she doesn't have the experience and exposure. There will be a clash at one point, it won't be pretty, but it's not as black-and-white as everyone thinks this is.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 28, 2023
So either tuition teacher is going to be past teacher that hurt MC or it will be some asshole guy trying to ruin this girl’s purity.
Calling it now.
Prepare for the bombs to drop.
It can not be a guy since her mother seems pretty prudish as well (changes the channel immidiately when kissing about to happen)
Dex-chan lover
Jan 17, 2023
I'm starting to think Tsubasa has some skeletons in her closet too
Dex-chan lover
Apr 20, 2018
one of my closest friends had a relationship with someone like her, whose view on relationships were based on romance novels and crap, and boy let me tell you, IT DID NOT END WELL, and my man was not a rape victim. This is scary shit

this relationship is doomed to fail, i only hope they pull out before irreversible damage happens.
Dex-chan lover
Sep 27, 2020
Oh god I can see it now. That new tuition teacher is super sus. chances it's the teacher?

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