Sensitive Boy

Jul 11, 2023
ehh Idk about this. . I honestly don't think a boy would react like that at all, more so if it was a really beautiful teacher. . Boys react very differently to girls when they are presented with sex. in this situation, I feel the author is making the mc act like a girl. . and I honestly don't like it. .
Dex-chan lover
Feb 26, 2023
this feels like minamoto-kun monogatari different take based on the title and the summary
Jul 15, 2023
ehh Idk about this. . I honestly don't think a boy would react like that at all, more so if it was a really beautiful teacher. . Boys react very differently to girls when they are presented with sex. in this situation, I feel the author is making the mc act like a girl. . and I honestly don't like it. .
Well if you were trying to break the ice and get conversation going you did a good job! Sexual assault is somewhat incorrectly named since while it is a sex act, it has little to do with sex. This creates a certain confusion about the concept most deem as pleasurable (on par with a heroin), piticuarlly for men.

Sexual assault/rape is about CONTROL not sex. This is because in order to engage in the sex act, the perpetrator must first gain control of the victim. It is this loss of control which results in the PTSD issues.

Consider it this way, a stranger grabs you and ties you up. You don't know what their motives are only that they are deranged enough to restrain you. You can't predict their actions. Since you can't predict their actions you feel unsafe. Once most people feel unsafe panic starts to set in. Panic a biological trigger system that occurs when someone feels their life is in danger. It may not be in danger, but thats how the system views it as. Then from that moment the brain is going to associate any similar situation with the same degree of panic.

This doesn't have to have anything to do with sex, the sex is like an accessory to the situation. However, it comes up in sex a lot becuase sex is a vulnerable act. Either people are mutual in their vulnerability, or one is in control and the other is dominated (Im talking about standard mental stuff not S&M). Its common knowledge what happens to a girl, but for a guy....let me ask this question "How many guys here would let someone come close to touching their testicals who clearly didn't care if they hurt them?" All the focus is on the penis to the point guy tend to forget just how vulnerable their balls are. The slightest squeeze or poke can leave you gasping in pain. It's a very vulnerable area, you know it and your brain/body knows it. If someone just put that area at risk do you think your going to enjoy situations like that ever again?
Jul 15, 2023
I like this, Kaedo really look like Hinata Shoyo from Haikyuu!
I think Poster (image of manga) should contain Tsubasa standing next to Kaedo since she confessed to him in first chapter.
About title: maybe bad translation with lack of meaning. The story about nice guy with trauma.
Anyway, cheering for Kaedo and Tsubasa.
Mar 3, 2023
ehh Idk about this. . I honestly don't think a boy would react like that at all, more so if it was a really beautiful teacher. . Boys react very differently to girls when they are presented with sex. in this situation, I feel the author is making the mc act like a girl. . and I honestly don't like it. .
Have you been raped in the past to be able to actually speak on what hurts them emotionally?, I also don't know what gender you are but rape goes both ways and emotionally affects people the same way no matter their gender, for someone underaged, unwilling to get raped by someone way older can really hurt a person emotionally - being raped by a female may be a desire for some but rape is rape and for those who don't consent and are way too underaged for sexual activities in a school facility is just disgusting and your comment is disgusting

whether or not I made sense I'm not sure. I'm not native english speaker so I cant be sure what I said was correct so I apologize but to continue

Even if someone is beautiful enough to rape which does not exist in the real world it scars people for long periods of time and can never be justified with any gender, Male raping female is bad, female raping male is bad this is how its always been

and like I said before a while ago some weird minded people like rape and want it as their desire but in situation like this one it was unasked for
Jul 16, 2023
My dude dodging therapists while doing minimum effort for confronting his trauma.

Ladies and gentlemen, please seek help and please don't pretending you can help yourself.
Dex-chan lover
Jul 16, 2023
ehh Idk about this. . I honestly don't think a boy would react like that at all, more so if it was a really beautiful teacher. . Boys react very differently to girls when they are presented with sex. in this situation, I feel the author is making the mc act like a girl. . and I honestly don't like it. .
May your sons be born without assholes
Jul 15, 2023
I like this, Kaedo really look like Hinata Shoyo from Haikyuu!🏐

1. I think Poster (image of manga) should contain Tsubasa standing next to Kaedo since she confessed to him in first chapter.

2. About title: maybe bad translation with lack of meaning. The story about nice guy with trauma.

Anyway, cheering for Kaedo and Tsubasa.
Group Leader
Jul 16, 2023
I don't deny that sexual abuse exist, I am just saying boys handle sex differently than girls. I get that he was a kid when it happened, but when I was at that age, me and my friends were very curious about sex and would honestly jump to it if given the chance. . well I'm showing myself out, this series feels like trash anyways. .
Bruh are you serious?... I know from my own experience, and others that it can affect males or male identifying people just as bad as it can girls. He's not acting like a girl because he has ptsd from a vary traumatic experience. If you would be into it good for you... but I can promise you most people would be upset about having someone force themselves onto them no matter age or gender.
Group Leader
Jul 16, 2023
I'm really liking this manga so far. As a victim of sexual assault myself it's nice to see a realistic take on how that can affect a person. I'm also adoring that he has an acual support group, it's great that his friends are caring and understanding of his trauma.
I just hope there won't be an antagonist later on in the series because it honestly doesn't need that. I do expect some misunderstandings and light issues from some of the other boys in his class that are more on the "playboy" side of things.
Hopefully this will just be a heart warming story about overcoming trauma and becoming happy with one's self.
Dex-chan lover
Nov 6, 2019
So, I Ctrl+F and searched this comment section for the word nice.

I'm not sure if I'm disappointed or not. But I'm sure I'm a terrible person.
Double-page supporter
Feb 23, 2023
So, I Ctrl+F and searched this comment section for the word nice.

I'm not sure if I'm disappointed or not. But I'm sure I'm a terrible person.
Nah, just genre savvy. Honestly was expecting that myself. instead I'm delighted to see actually serious takes and discussion. I'm starting to like this community.
Jul 18, 2023
ehh Idk about this. . I honestly don't think a boy would react like that at all, more so if it was a really beautiful teacher. . Boys react very differently to girls when they are presented with sex. in this situation, I feel the author is making the mc act like a girl. . and I honestly don't like it. .
Been here, and no, this shit fucks you up real good. What boys (and girls) really want is a human connection with someone, sure most people want to have sex with someone they are attracted to, but part of that is forming a familiarity with each other past sex appeal. Crazy if the only contact with women you have is from porn. That being said, take away this bond, usually add the fact that trust or power is misused, and you have an environment noone would really want to be in, male or female.

So far this manga seems ok, it's representation of PTSD seems pretty much accurate, a bit overexaggerated but that's understandable since the real deal doesn't really make for an interesting viewing experience. As long as it doesn't turn into a "I can fix him" type beat.
Jul 18, 2023
White western female commentors acting like trauma is the same for males and biology/ physics don't exist. And I was molested in the genitals as a female child twice by random older men.
Not trying to be dismissive the trauma of male victims of sexual assaults by female perpetrators, but I find it hard to believe female raping male is actually physically painful as the manga states unless she was bending his dick 90 degrees or step on his nuts.
Sure it is gross and uncomfortable for the male victim but not as physically painful as female victims since it's their dick that get engulf, none of the flesh tissues got injured. It would even feel a bit tingly and physically pleasurable even if it's f'up because it's physiology that the surface of the penis covers with pleasure nerves like the clitoris. It's not the same even if he is a minor since it would probably felt like a loose bag of warm slushie while female victim of adult male perpetrator would be in serious pain since the penis is so much larger in proportions to the canal. I wear period cup and if I pull it out/ insert incorrectly it already hurts.
Historically, female victims have to endure their hymen being ripped as well with a risk of pregnancy. People used to check if a female was a virgin by see if there was blood after her first time. There's no pleasure-nerves inside the vaginal canal so only pain. And pregnancy is painful to endure for 9 months, giving birth is painful. Possible death after giving birth. Lack of resources to raise a child. That's why male sexual assault on females are physically worse than female on males.
I don't personally know any male victims of female rape but in confessions of YouTube comment section and in News the victim act a bit disgusted but overall apathetic about his victimhood. The mom of the male victims was outrage for her son instead.
It's almost like the female author don't understand the difference in physiology between males and females and was inserting a female rape experience into a male character skin. If female raping a male is anywhere as bad as portrayed in the manga we would see a lot more males starting their own Me-Too movement and press more charges against females, especially given that there's a bit of a cultural war between males vs females in the West going on where white males and females hating each other for every small thing and people getting offended/ loud outrage over everything. Y'all argue about the social stigma of coming out as a male victim when victimhood is currently the social credits of the Western world.
Males are built to want to spread their genes as much as possible and females are more selective with mating. Sperms are almost infinite with 80-300 million per ejeculation, can be released at any time and still produced even in old age. While ~500 mature eggs are released in a lifetime, ~one egg per ovulation each month and stop at menopause (45-55 years old). One male can impregnate multiple females at the same time and repopulate the population. Part of why men are drafted into wars.
TLDR: Sperms are cheap, eggs are expensive.
Yes, not every male is a horndog in their teens but this is not the majority of males. I applaud her for trying gender-equality justice like this never been done before in manga. But why do y'all think this is what realistically is like being a male victim of female perpetrator when it’s written by a woman and not an actual male victim of female rape? If a male author wrote rape and the female victim want sex when meet her right male love interest right after the trauma or that female enjoy the physical sensation of being raped y'all would think it's unrealistic too. I could make the same argument that some female act like that when it’s very rare to none-existant in real life.

Not trying to be dismissive the trauma of male victims of sexual assaults by female perpetrators, but...

Proceeds to dismiss male victims of sexual assault
Yup, this is a stupid gatekeep and you should think this take over
Last edited:
Jun 23, 2020
Hey dude, dont mind the keyboard warriors crying on top of you instead of arguing rationally, One of them even called you a nazi, Obama might as well be stalin at this point

But yeah, you're partially wrong, Here's the thing
Anything like that would leave a scar, its called sexual violence for a reason, And most cases of child abuse come from male pedophiles, Wich you dont need to guess how terrible some kid's mental health become afterwards

But indeed, its not likely for bois to handle it in a reclusive sensitivity with a pitch anxiety, More comonly, Its a mixture of misguided rage,overbearing paranoia and while not exactly repulse, some sort of disgust for people's intentions

That boi indeed is hella effeminate, But i guess that was the intention all along
I appreciate that you’re one of the few people willing to discuss this respectfully rather than jump to nazi accusations. This comment section is a mess.

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