Sensitive Boy

Dex-chan lover
Mar 29, 2020
ehh Idk about this. . I honestly don't think a boy would react like that at all, more so if it was a really beautiful teacher. . Boys react very differently to girls when they are presented with sex. in this situation, I feel the author is making the mc act like a girl. . and I honestly don't like it. .
Classic retard take.
May 27, 2023
Read my comment again. In case you missed it, I describes my gender as female assigned at birth. Race: yellow. I'm not justifying it, technically it's still wrong because STDs and consent issue but I'm just saying physically doesn't hurt for male victims and the manga portrays like it physically hurts him unless she was stepping on his nuts. He got no evolutionary reasons to act as if he got the same level of pain and trauma as a female victim of male rape. I'm just reminding that this is fiction and real male victim of female rape experience is not much like this with exception of anomalies. The ’egg is precious part, sperms are cheap’ is where I explain why Male on Female rape is always worse than Female on Male rape and on why some of guys in this thread want to be raped by a hot female.

Ughh……Seriously the comments in this thread are beyond terrible. If you don’t believe that an adult female forcefully holding down a preteen boy, who has never experienced any sexual situation before, then assaulting him would only slightly go beyond mental pain I would have to wonder what sort of background shaped your thinking. It has nothing to do with reproduction, I doubt a young boy would climax in that situation.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 13, 2019
Ok flex, go ahead and write that then. And I have no problem writing possessive handsome rich male rapist who only rape the female MC and no one else with a gentleman second love interest who respects the female MC yet the female MC develops Stockholm syndrome, rejects the obviously nicer guy and stays with the rapist. It's all imagination. Not right or true in real life.
Your scenario is not only realistic but it's also a cliche in many a manhwa and soap opera. Mine isn't a cliche in anything. Your point is?
Group Leader
Mar 29, 2019
Dude this is just bullshit. Getting into a fight with a bigger dude is completely different than getting molested, and not everyone is courageous.
this also bullshit. not everyone would act like mc without putting up a fight.
Group Leader
Mar 29, 2019
Ok flex, go ahead and write that then. And I have no problem writing possessive handsome rich male rapist who only rape the female MC and no one else with a gentleman second love interest who respects the female MC yet the female MC develops Stockholm syndrome, rejects the obviously nicer guy and stays with the rapist. It's all imagination. Not right or true in real life.
You just describe what's happen in most hentai plot these days , heck even most adult manhwa
Jul 14, 2023
Having just read chapter 12, I feel really bad for MC. :(
He was just trying to be a good bean and his teacher decided she can't cope and she's just gonna hop on him because she can.
You're right ma'am, you /aren't/ suited to be a teacher. Jail.
Dex-chan lover
Jul 23, 2018
I am a lot puzzled with how the hell an assault from the premise happened? Inexperience guys fail at having a raise of themselves even in a positively good conditions, so how the hell this happened?

otherwise the theme is interesting, although an approach of everyone to try to mend things is all messed up, you cannot deal with trauma or PTSR like that.
Jul 26, 2023
I'm crying like a mothereffer bro wow. Triggered my PTSD for a bit but shit this chapter felt way too familiar. My heart breaks 🤧
Feb 25, 2020
First time I've posted here. Short of some insane development I want to give credit to his two friends. That's ride or die stuff.
Jul 22, 2023
ehh Idk about this. . I honestly don't think a boy would react like that at all, more so if it was a really beautiful teacher. . Boys react very differently to girls when they are presented with sex. in this situation, I feel the author is making the mc act like a girl. . and I honestly don't like it. .
My brother I (a man) have been sexually molested before by another girl in class and I felt powerless and disgusted, what do you think he would feel after someone he knew and trusted so much raped him. Dude fuck off you don't know shit
Fed-Kun's army
Aug 30, 2020
My brother I (a man) have been sexually molested before by another girl in class and I felt powerless and disgusted, what do you think he would feel after someone he knew and trusted so much raped him. Dude fuck off you don't know shit

Let's also not forget about the whole society "standards". According to society, there is no way a man can be a victim of domestic violence or even sexual assault from women, because we are men. Even if a guy does report them, they will most likely be laughed at, which has happened plenty of times before. You could even see in the latest chapter(spoilers ahead!! I tried using spoiler tag, but it is not working!!) when the MC's girlfriend began questioning why he didn't just pushed her(the teacher) away, since he was a man.

All in all, you can be a victim of sexual assault, no matter the gender. Especially if you are a child(which the MC was at the time), it can be a very traumatic experience, since a child's coping mechanism is not quite well developed yet, and so confusion and fear is the most common response.
Jan 20, 2023
I'm really starting to enjoy this manga :) Its kinda cathartic to read a story about a young dude doing his best with PTSD. Despite everything, has people in his life to support him and they don't judge his trauma. I also appreciate the MC's gf. She doesn't really get it, but she's trying. It's a very heavy trauma that's hard for a lot of people to understand, especially young people. It's pretty realistic reaction. I'm really interested to see what direction this story goes!

A lot of people have brain rot on here, but the whole point of the manga (and life in general) is that sexual assault is deeply traumatizing despite your gender, age or whatever. If you can't understand that, why are you even reading this?
Jul 28, 2023
ehh Idk about this. . I honestly don't think a boy would react like that at all, more so if it was a really beautiful teacher. . Boys react very differently to girls when they are presented with sex. in this situation, I feel the author is making the mc act like a girl. . and I honestly don't like it. .
I honestly think you're a piece of shit and are part of the reason men don't talk about shit like this

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