Sensou Kyoushitsu - Vol. 6 Ch. 17.5 - Side Story

Oct 11, 2019
I think you guy are reading too much into this. The author is simply showing us how the villain side works. The garland who is just a kid constantly shifted her stand because of her father's influence while the father curb stomp people with his insane power and supremacism mindset. I pretty much like how normal these father and daughter are as well as how things can become like this. Even if their actions are irredeemable, they are the very example of what will happen if some people got their hand on enormous power with zero responsibility and morale. The father looks like nothing can change him now, but I am interested in what way the garland will become in the future.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2018
Personally, I'd say they're meant to be like a contrast of Lucas and the Pope's relationship. Specifically, both senior figures want to groom their mighty juniors.
I was actually thinking there are more parallels between these two and the Pope and Zoe. Both are utilising underdeveloped children for their conquest, one is just a bit more tasteful about it.
so far I'm still convinced that the dad and the Emperor are the same person. Admittedly, mostly because of how well that would reframe the relationship between Zoe and the Pope in a slightly different light.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 31, 2018
Personally, I'd say they're meant to be like a contrast of Lucas and the Pope's relationship. Specifically, both senior figures want to groom their mighty juniors.
The difference with Lucas is that as much as the Pope seems to want him as a successor, he's been giving Lucas plenty of room to exercise his own thoughts and respects and approves many of them, while the Garland's bloodthirsty "father" is continually twisting her thoughts and values.
An interesting analysis.

The contrast between the two sides is pretty much spot on, and considering that the enemy nation can only be so destructive because of Garland... she and her father are probably THE BBEG, even if they meet the one that is in control of their tower, without Garland as a unilateral weapon of destruction, they would fall in a stalemate and things would develop in another way.

That is without considering that both Lucas and Zoe seem to be very special rami.

I am really curious how this "thousand-year journey" that the leaders of some nations seem to have will be revealed, this can be a "far future that lost its technological advancement" or maybe even "a planet that was newly colonized but knowledge of it got lost in some cataclysm".
Sep 5, 2018
The author made an extra chapter focused on those two and instead of showing us how they ended up where they are or give them at least a bit of depth, we got this pointless bonus chapter of them killing and basically fucking shit up cause yolo. Talk about a wasted opportunity.
Its an extra chapter, i dont get why you would think major backstory to the two main antagonists would be explained here instead of a main chapter when they eventually collide with Lucas and the rest. I think it serves pretty well to illustrate the dynamic between the Garland and her Father. The Garland is pretty conflicted with all the murder and her Father is constantly reassuring her that it's fine. The aftermath of the super tough ramus upsets her enough that she stops laughing and later comes clean about her questions about whether or not all the murder is ok. Her father is aware of her conflict as well and that's why he's constantly reassuring her, so she can drop the nuke later.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 9, 2020
Is the kid ability to accelerate stuff? I feel like that would explain her dad being able to basically killing everyone in an instant
Jun 23, 2024
For the curious, this extra chapter was in fact published in the month between Ch 17 and 18. That is, the authors spent their precious monthly spot to put this on the magazine itself before it even got compiled into the volume, so you bet they did it with some intent.

To be exact, in the raw text the father says he doesn't understand her [ツボ] Admittedly since "tsubo" can mean so many things it's hard to figure out which one's applicable here, but I think I finally got it: "pressure point", what gets a reaction out of her.

That is, given that the father's customised method for killing both Rami was what made the Garland burst out in laughter, he was basically saying he "doesn't understand what pushes her buttons she gets a kick out of". Might I have the right idea, @blueherozx1 ?
Yeye mb for the late response but yeah, I think your interpretation is correct

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