Sentai Daishikkaku - Vol. 9 Ch. 82 - Monster Zoo, Part 3

Dex-chan lover
Mar 19, 2019
No way. Was it really THAT easy? All that build up to Red Ranger being the ultimate villain, who kills his own rangers. Yet the Narrative text suggests D really did something he can't take back.

Another commenter mentioned Chapter 74. On Page 18 Hisui suggests they all group together and take him out, but Green Ranger responds with "If only we could. Things would be a lot easier."
Is this because Red Ranger is "hard to kill" or that Red Ranger's influence makes him "problematic to kill?"

Damn I love this series. I have no idea what's gonna happen next, and it's great.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 16, 2020

Great job killing that guy, D! But damn, seems like the consequence of that will be enormous. Really looking forward to it!
Dex-chan lover
Nov 10, 2018
In chapter 74 chidori said something like "its not that easy to take him red keeper out even thought he lost his sacred weapon", i think the red keeper had something else in his body
That's one possibility. The other is that red is very much mortal, but has some sort of utility. The consequences of killing him would be worse than keeping his egomaniacal ass around. Personally, I hope he's dead, and things are about to get interesting.

Hisui asked why they don't just kill Red, and Green responded "if only it was that simple," IIRC.
Dex-chan lover
Oct 29, 2018
Imagine he'll just revive himself next chapter, right? Right? All those hints about Red Keeper being special even among the keeper shouldn't just be hot air... right?
Group Leader
Jul 14, 2020
What chapter was that? The plot twist and the new questions that arise with these events? It's pretty crazy everything that happened and D showing that everyone doesn't know who the real threat is, all hail King D!!
Double-page supporter
Feb 7, 2019
Did... Did D just did it? He killed Red for real?
And that Usokubo twist... im still lightly shocked to be honest
Dex-chan lover
Sep 26, 2018
that was easy

Fed-Kun's army
Feb 23, 2019
I never really thought of Red as the main villain just a gigantic dick.

I don't feel like I've seen anyone (or thing) that I'd consider the main villain yet.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2019
So the white monsters are actually people converted?

Now the question, is that really Usukubo or did someone replace her?
Yeah, that's the implication with the white monsters.

And I'm sure it's really her (I'll call her Angel since the other guy is Usukubo too). Because she's needed character development for a while now, so this must be it. If this person was her twin sister or something, that would be like practically negative character development for her.

I like the theory @BadmanBlues mentioned that Red really IS mortal, but that no Keepers dared kill him because the results would be terrible for the rangers somehow. However, Red is such a unique character that I ultimately still doubt Negi killed him off this quickly, and his strength is so impressive that I doubt his defense is weak. D's face is truly priceless though, like the dog that caught the car.

Also, that one unnamed girl in the Invader Rights Association looks a bit like the other foot soldier girl, XX...

edit - Almost forgot to mention how D also saved Hisui's life by using his chopped off finger's attraction to move her out of the way of an attack. So much happened this chapter.
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