Every single .50 video on the internet would be using a normal ball / incen tracer round, and have barely any power. An actuall military standard .50 amr would be loaded with more powder for higher pressure, a steel / tungsen / depleted uranium core, and some explosive that weaken armor structures.
The difference is that a .50 copper / lead round would just compess itself, spending most of the 15k joules of energy as heat energy. A steel core would transfer over half of this energy to the target, causing the force equivalence of dropping several tonnes (~25k lbs) of mass from a meter high.
And then, there is also a layer of explosive meant to be fracturing and weakening the armor, before letting the steel core penetrate and damage targets behind the armor layers. Explosive like that would do serious impact on a rock.
Again, none of those cute features would be legal to your every day Texas civilian youtuber.