Seton Academy: Join the Pack! - Ch. 124 - Who's the Boss? (5)

Dex-chan lover
Dec 18, 2019
So basically you boiled it down to, he does it becomes he's a human, and the others don't because they don't care until they need to.
I mean, by that logic their disbelief on why he knows so much is a result of him being human, not because its an animal school. Though this obviously is still not the case because hitomi doesn't know nearly as much about animals, so Jin's knowledge is deservingly impressive nonetheless. (especially because he definately doesn't "need" to know all that he does know, its not like all his knowledge is survival knowledge after all, man is a literal encyclopedia on zoology)
Apr 26, 2020
It's not because he's a human, it's because he feel that knowing about who he have to deal with in a daily basis is worth the investment.

That way of thinking would work with literally any student of the animal school.

Lanka knowing about every peculiarity of her "pack members" would make sense as she deal with different animals on a daily basis, so that extra knowledge can prove to be useful in case something exclusive to a certain animal happens.

Does it apply if it's something exclusive to humans? Yes.

Does it apply if it's something exclusive to wolfs? Yes, but she's already one so it isn't strange for her to know about her own specie.

Does she feel like she needs to know about her "pack members" species peculiarity? No.

Does He feel like he needs to know about every animal's peculiarity in the school? Yes, because as it has been proved, he does deal with different animal problems that are (mostly) exclusive to their species.

It's not about if it's a real necessity, it's about if he feel like it's worth the investment or not.
For most of the academy, it isn't, but for him it is worth and have been proved worth before.

Just see how many times he knowing about something "exclusive" to a certain specie solved problems no one else was being capable of.
It just paid back enough times to justify the investment.
Dex-chan lover
Dec 18, 2019

Does He feel like he needs to know about every animal's peculiarity in the school? Yes, because as it has been proved, he does deal with different animal problems that are (mostly) exclusive to their species.

It's not about if it's a real necessity, it's about if he feel like it's worth the investment or not.
For most of the academy, it isn't, but for him it is worth and have been proved worth before

While I can agree with that, your original comment was just the more sarcastically toned "Duh of course he would know this because he's in an animal school." This gave me the impression that you thought everything Jin knew about animals should of course be known and not seem weird simply because of that factor. But obviously with more replies, you dont actually feel that thats the case....You're showing more and more that its Jin's particular characteristics that allow him to so detailingly study animals, that for many of the others they wouldn't do. Sure, they theoretically could, but they dont, because with jin it's undoubtedly to an extreme level. So once again, them feeling weirded out by the amazing amount of knowledge jin knows still makes perfect sense, which your first comment seemed to poke fun at. Thats really all im saying. Even if we were at a science highschool, if their was a kid who just casually knew graduate college level mathematics, he would be seen as strange and would absolutely garner a comment like "why does he know so much?" btw, your first comment quoted "but why does he know that" but that was never said in the chapter, it was why he knew so much, because it's such an extreme amount of knowledge.
Apr 26, 2020

Sorry if I sounded sarcastic before, not my intention.

For the rest of the comment, you got what I wanted to say and I understood your point, so I'm fine with it.
Your logic makes sense too.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 5, 2019
Are they never going to address or explain why the girls at the human school looked like the cooking club’s girls?
Dex-chan lover
Sep 10, 2018

these plots of the mangaka are so bad , now some chapters 's plots even contradict with the others : in this chapter , 100 % of the students HATES the male human . but in previous chapters : "these chimps love me and they are helping me with my campaign" , "i gathered 30 % of the votes because the students love me" , then "i gathered 50 % of the votes" .

and i had to censor his ugly face in the above panels .

page 7 : the treasures of a lion :

- meats .

- a corn ?????

- a watermelon ???????

- a coconut tree ???????

- a spinning wheel ?????? eh , only a hamster would like this .

- cat platform ??????

- some teasing feather toys for cats ???????
Fed-Kun's army
Aug 15, 2020
@daywithoutgames My move my movie my superhero movie they'll be lining up to see a movie all about me, no longer a sidekick no that's not me, pictire my booty up in 3d ill shake my booty in my own movie
Jan 31, 2018
One thing I don’t get is why he has to like Lanka as more than a friend. I have multiple friends male and female that I like, but it’s not romantic. He has shown he has feelings for Hitomi that are romantic but not for the wolf.
Nov 7, 2018
it feels a little bit forced to try to pair jin with lanka right?
like, you can be friends with the opposite sex without wanting to f*?&% them.
and he shows he likes hitmoi more than anyone, and hfor Lanka he AT MOST shows concern for her(like he does for his other friends) i dont get it why pairing him with her is that important.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2018
@daywithoutgames Keep track of the timeline. Nobody had seen that recording before now. He manipulated lots of animals to support him before the voting. Like he told the lion, he's not as simple as the animals. You also totally forget that he has, in fact, helped a lot of students along the way, so he would get votes no matter what.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 21, 2019
I reeeally didn't need to hear about that lion mating with that girl. That's just disgusting. I really hate that about this series....

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