Honestly, this manga has started to lose its charm quite a lot lately. While I do agree with many that the whole tsundere(or Jindere) is annoying, what really has started to make me lose interest in this is basically that each arc just revolves on Jin and Lanka(or Hitomi sometimes). What got me hooked in these series has been the events and antics of the cooking club. It was funny, it was entertaining, and seeing Jin be a total savage against other creatures was incredibly cool. We did had the occasional romance-driven drama chapters, but that lasted for maybe 3-4 chapters. But now, that is all the manga is focusing on, and I am not really liking that direction. Like, of course one of the main genres that this manga is covering is romance/comedy, but it is just adding way too much drama in here for no reason. I don't know, I just feel like it is losing its charm for me........ I'll still read it tho lmao