Shadows House (Official Colored) - Ch. 202 - The Remaining Allies

Dex-chan lover
Feb 5, 2018
Hooray for Lou! Except where's Louise? Those "scars" concern me, I feel like Louise may have left some traces behind when she fused with Lou...

And Thomas showing up... Even with the fact I already don't trust him, that expression is especially ominous. Seriously, one of the most ominous panels I've seen in a long time. He's probably there because he's suspicious of stuff with Edward... or maybe he's maybe there as a messenger for the Uncle Shadow whose name I forget?
Dex-chan lover
Sep 11, 2019
I hope Douglas will not going to back to his previous character when they finally get rid of Antony & the adults.
Double-page supporter
Apr 22, 2020
I wasn't expecting to see Lou at all!! Those scars look sickkk. I'm worried about Louise tho, but the comments and the previous chapters said she was fine, so...
Doug/Douglas become funnier by the minute lmao.
also what the HELL Thomas...he's free!! Remember when Stella (I think) opened some kind of door? That's must be why he's out and about...
Anyways, thanks for the chapter!!


Dex-chan lover
Jun 25, 2020
i have a theory

Dex-chan lover
Sep 12, 2023
Our ragtag team of misfits is made! Has Thomas returned as foe or at least a temporary friend? Tune in next update, same shadow time, same shadow channel, to find out!
Dex-chan lover
Sep 30, 2018
Anthony is either very confident or very stupid to give Kate the chance to free Emilyko.

While we had seen John and Suzanna get drunk on coffee before, I never imagined that'd be an impetus for a Shadow to not "drink on the job", leading the pair to avoid the Special Coffee.

I'm of two minds about Lou being awake. On one hand it's reassurance for Kate; on the other, we'll need to figure a way for her to avoid being given Special Coffee from Anthony.


And so the much anticipated wild card finally returns to the game.

The first question that ought to be asked is why did he come to Kate? Even assuming his primary motive now is to take down Edward, why her?

His reasoning could perhaps originate from two points:
  1. During Edward's 3-day Obligation around the island, Thomas' inspection of the Children's Wing allowed him to bait Sara into spilling her contacts with Edward...including suspicion and surveillance of Kate as a possible rebel.
  2. While escaping from the Great Grandfather's Wing, it's possible he witnessed Louise's rampage and subsequent quelling by Kate's group. That is, intent, means and willing collaborators to oppose Unification and thus the adults' will.
Either one or both of these would sufficiently inform Thomas that Kate has enough intent and means to take on Edward, useful for his purposes.

This is not to suggest Thomas will "serve" Kate. I don't know if he's loyal to the Great Grandfather, but he is definitely all for the Shadows House and will want Kate stopped after he's safe.


This is going to be a delicate dance with Thomas, especially because there's much she cannot let him know:
  • He mustn't know she's lost access to her troops. If that happens, Thomas will deem her useless and has more to gain from turning her to the adults and decry Edward's mismanagement.
  • By extension, she cannot let him know of Anthony's presence and hostility
Therefore, Kate can't have Thomas help her confront Anthony directly. She'll have to take care of the takeover herself.

However, Thomas can be helpful in other ways:
  1. Intelligence on the adults. If Thomas wants Kate's help, he'll at least have to divulge the hierarchy and divisions among the adults and information on Edward. Kate needs a leg up on the intelligence game to compete with Anthony, so this could be her way in.
  2. Use him to take out Lewis. From Anthony's own mouth, Kate now knows for sure he has an adult insider named "Lewis" (she never met him) and that he's not in fact Thomas' ally. If she can convince him that Lewis betrayed him to Edward, that'd be enough reason for him to go after Lewis and thus deprive Anthony of a major ally.
All in all, Kate needs to be able to maintain the facade that she's still in charge of the Children's Wing to Thomas while making use of him. She needs to be able to kick out Anthony before Thomas finds out the truth.

Man, as if Kate didn't have enough to juggle. And still some time until the next chapter...
You need to consider that thomas was the children's supervisor before Edward. He was likely be the one who let the children of Christopher's generation to having so many pointless thoughts for the living dolls and shadows. I can't say he was actually loyal to the manor or grandfather. Well he can be just incompetent for sure
Aggregator gang
Aug 19, 2024
You need to consider that thomas was the children's supervisor before Edward. He was likely be the one who let the children of Christopher's generation to having so many pointless thoughts for the living dolls and shadows. I can't say he was actually loyal to the manor or grandfather. Well he can be just incompetent for sure
He looks to be part of the "old blood", the ones that lived for hundred years.


Dex-chan lover
Jun 25, 2018
Kinda wish Emilyko was still brainwashed for a bit longer. At least that first panel with her smiling is nice.

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