She Brought Up the Friendly Protagonist as a Villain. - Ch. 3.5 - ANNOUNCEMENT, NOT AN EPISODE

Dec 24, 2018
I hope kakao or other companies can release more translated and up to date webtoons in my country faster.

It sucks when you find a good series and it took them months to release it, and even when it's released their chapters are not up to date like scan groups.
Dex-chan lover
May 12, 2019
Kinda reminds me of the piracy discussion, a pirated copy does not necessarily equal a lost sale, since a subset of those using a pirated copy of whatever would not purchase or use it otherwise
Jan 25, 2018
I don't get why fan translations are detrimental to the original artist. Distributing raws I'd understand, but fan translations only grow the audience and in practice fan translated webtoons are still picked up for official translations.

(morally the artist still has the right to prohibit them, I just want to understand their reasons)
Mar 23, 2020

because the original author/artist doesn't get any revenue from it. And will never get any revenue from it.

Imagine if you spent a ton of time in making a BMW and was only able to sell it for $500, then a bunch of people appeared the next day and sold copies of your BMW and made $500,000
over it, how would you feel?

Aggregates and fan translators with ad revenue and pateron type sites gets a ton of $$ that the author never sees. These authors look at their own ever increasing bills and wonder why they are even in this business.

It doesn't matter if unofficial translators are growing an audience for you if said audience never grows the $$ in your wallet and instead grows $$ in other people's wallet.
Dex-chan lover
Oct 26, 2019
Love how ppl still believe pirates good is good for business 😃😃 seriously if you think a little like a normal human being ,you will know that it bad not only for artist but also who actually pay the money to read it like a normal person. And if you use reason like pirate are good for advertising art manga etc that f*king dumb as hell. Every cooperation ,official translations always scout for new series that good for them and buy the right for it ,not how much people love the pirate. Grow up you thinking that it is right doesn’t mean it a fact.
Feb 4, 2019
What a dumbass. These people seriously dont understand how piracy works or how industries actually work. One of the reasons most game companies not condemn piracy a lot is because it brings in fresh blood.

In your case, not only you can bring new blood to the community, if somebody really likes your webtoon, they can even start learning Korean to read stuff faster. For fucks sake, look at the applicant numbers for JLPT exams. It grew exponentially and still is after Japanese anime and manga became mainstream. Even though most people pirated anime and manga back then. Now people want to migrate to Japan, and honestly, its been a positive thing so far for Japanese. (if we ignore the retards that bother mangakas on Twitter for being so pervy)

Shit's the same for Fate community, most people cannot buy Fate VN here, so they pirate the VN, and then spend shit load of money on merchs.
Or come on, I can speak from experience, I learned English through games. I pirated my most games, learned English so I can understand my games, then grew up and now I'm buying the games I want. If I didnt pirate games back then, I wouldnt have learned English, and I wouldnt be buying games now.

I really cant accept this view, and strongly disagree, I dont want to call others idiots, but this dude certainly is.

Good job, now you completely alinated those foreigners, people who want to license your shit will never actually notice you because literally nobody cares about your shit overseas and they cant make money from it. You also completely eliminated the possibility of helping your country in the long run.
Double-page supporter
Jul 24, 2019
@asdkant I have no idea for every webtoon site but the sites I've been to supports the artists by ads and have the possibility of being "discovered" (being officially distributed by the company that owns the app and being paid as a creator). And to be paid for it, you need a specific amount of monthly views, subscribers, etc. It is unfortunate but if one really wants to support the artist, they either learn the language or use a translator while reading. As far as I know, only "Webtoon" has a fan translation option. (And just throwing it out there but, you can also grind through ads to get coins for reading in other sites like Tappytoon or Tapas. It pays the artists/authors and the publishers.)
May 16, 2019
This has always been a murky subject for me within this community. On one hand - yes I am not paying for this - but I wouldn't have paid for this to begin with because I don't speak Korean.

When these projects do get official english translations, I try my best to read it those official translations as the profits will get back to the original author - but in the case of smaller projects without a huge international following already, the likelihood that they will get an official translation is null.

So ultimately stopping fantranslation of work can be detrimental to the author in the long run - but we should at least listen to the author's wishes. If they don't want fantranslations and explicitly ask for no translations, then hopefully groups will abide by their wishes. I'm sad because I can no longer read this but there's a dozen other comics just like it so 🤷‍♀️
May 9, 2019
On one hand, I do think people shouldn't pirate, on the other, you won't get anywhere if people can't get it legally. Piracy is a service problem. There are no ways to read this in any language other than Korean officially and doing this only will hurt your work tbh. That's why I think it's fine people translate something and, once it's licensed, those who have been reading it support the official license (that's what I do) if they have the means to (you can do that in free at times like watching ads and getting coins from that to spend the on sites to spend on the work).

I get the author feeling like he's getting screwed, but in the long term, it's actually best if he lets foreigners translate and such. Want a prime example? Other than ones given already in this comment section, the Web Novel "I Favor The Villainess" (scan group's translation of title, the official is "I Am In Love With The Villainess") got SUPER popular because of all the foreigners able to read it. The author has been ok with the fan translations. TONS of those fans have happily gone to buy the official LN now that's released. Hopefully the manga gets licensed too. If an anime comes, I'm sure fans would support that too. Good will goes a long way for fans. Alienating them is not going to help.
Double-page supporter
Feb 9, 2019
hmmmmmm, me being a selfish bastard lurker i understand only 1 thing: i can't read korean so i can't continue reading this so bye bye i guess, gl every one involved
p.s: let's be honest about piracy: people who pirate your game/work won't buy your game if there was no free alternative, maybe 1-2 snowflake would say the contrary but the vast majority won't, especially when a certain work isn't that original (another villainess korean story i wonder how it's gonna play out? /s) nor acclaimed enough by otherss for peer pressure to kick in
Apr 13, 2019
No matter how anyone feels you can’t stop piracy. I think from the standpoint of being a creator it’s a weird thing to get worked up about. I think they see it as more money they could be making, but that’s just not the case.
Oct 26, 2019
Bruh, I mean I am reading this illegally anyway so I have no moral high ground here, but I can wait for the official translations to be illegally stolen and read them then.
It does suck that artist has to work themselves so hard just to get their work stolen though.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 17, 2020
@marsbars true since none of us can read it and would buy it. Doesn't make it right but it's still no less true. 🤷‍♂️

Also bro needs to stop drawing and worry about his health. That's why more important. Just my 2 cents.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 8, 2019
Well... this not really good to point me wanting pay to see raw, especially if he say thing like this. So this goodbye huh... while this story is slightly different from other novel plot with bad father, story is still beginning and not reached reason why title like that. So dropped this is option.

While some say I don't respect original owner of this story, but he thinking carefully what he talking about. It's better to say people free translating for beginning of this story until reached point of this story title and forbid it after that, instead forbid it from beginning. He ruined change to promote this story and ruined his image from reader... while most people want read free, but once story became so good there many people want support author.

And thus I hoping translator picked other novel instead this, this no wroth my money too for read raw.
Sep 3, 2020
Well, I suppose that, as the most of you already said, from the point of view of the author this sucks. But in the long term it’s just beneficial. I mean, Korean webtoons weren’t so much popular until few years ago and if they are popular now it’s thanks to the fan translating. If they want the market increases they should allow at least a bit of fantranslating. Especially in English because a lot of fan translations in other languages pass through English (this is the case for Italian at least).
Jun 26, 2020
I don't get how these authors and publishers can be so blind. Obviously there is an immense demand for webtoons in languages other than Korean, then why not offer english chapters for sale at the same time as the korean version. There will be lots of people who'd buy these if it were on tappytoon/Tapas or a similar site.

They are ignoring the immensly huge english market which is the only reason why fan-translations are so common in the first place. If most mangas/webtoons would be released in JP/KR/EN simultaneously, then there would, theoretically, be no need for fan-translations and groups would not be as motivated to translate something that is already translated, even if it is behind a paywall... But they choose to ignore the market and then point the finger going F* U when they should happy that such high demand even exists for their work and then making use of it. They are willingly ignoring a market that is many times the size of the korean market for no good reason.

Just imagine what would happen if there was an official website, which would simul-release a big library of mangas/webtoons in JP/KR & EN for a reasonable price.

IMHO, the author is f***ing stupid and doesn't realize the value of his/her (?) product and does therefore not utilize it to make an actual profit.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 28, 2019
Another showcase of authors continuing to not be businessmen but acting as tho they are in a false claim to authority.
If this was being translated already they'd have a point but it's not and now probably never will be.
People can claim piracy only hurts the creators but it is a plain and simple fact that publishers outright use the metrics of how much interest fan translations get to decide if a work is worth investing money into doing.
Also while there isn't a high trade off of free readers to paying readers even if it's only 10% of the free readers that go on to pay to support the creator that's 10% they would never have been discovered by without that free translation. A translation they or the company they sold their work to would've had to pay out of pocket on off chance it was a hit overseas to do otherwise.
Most fan translations take little if at all any donations or the like in spite of this in fact being a very well paying job when done legit.
Heck if the publisher was smart they could even convince a lot of the fan translators to do their series for less than what they'd pay a professional group to do it.
Well in the end the creator has a right to say no and they did.
That being said maybe they should actually care about their health instead of intentionally making worse to generate a sob story for sympathy.
It's kinda like saying it hurts to put your hand in an vice but not doing anything to remove said hand and asking people to pity you.
Artists can and should take breaks for their health. No one is in charge of their well being besides themselves and they need to step up and take care of themselves.

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