She Looks Especially Cute to Me - Ch. 4 - So First, Start from the Things You Can Do.

Aug 8, 2018
I'm really soft for this type of ML where they are scary looking but are the nicest, most adorable, purest, innocent and most precious human beings... they are so CUTE!!!
Dex-chan lover
Jan 20, 2018
So cute again. How little children in the library started bringing him books with bears! Kyaaaa!!!
He has a wonderful older sister by the way.
This manga is good for my soul.

@mimicking edit is fine, I'd prefer it as you did on p. 5. Today I learned a "bear" kanji ^-^ And it's funny that they draw equal sign and add furigana "ikuru" ("equal", I guess) ^-^ I was an editor too, I can imagine your reaction when you saw it))) Don't bother, it's all right
Dex-chan lover
Oct 20, 2018
@mimicking the watermark is actually not that noticeable (at least for me and the way I read.) I had to actively look for them to find them. If I could request something, it would be that if there is a particularly cute/cool/simply a really nice panel, please don't put the watermark on that panel. I'm the type that likes to take screenshots of nice panels, so it's something important to me.

I thought the sister was going to make fun of him with the present. I was expecting her to give him some bear ears as a gift, which he would wear to school on the next day and get laughed at by the "happy" classmate. It was quite nice to see that it was a nice gift. And it was awesome that Konami-san voiced out some of her thoughts, even if she didn't mean to. Though it was a shame she made it seemed like she meant the pencil case was cute and not him.
Group Leader
Jul 12, 2018
@senros got it. i feel u for the panels thing LOL @vint64 ill try what u say then. lol yeah the equals sign. i could have tried redrawing it, but how would i even typeset that KSKSKDSJSSDJ my soul died a little when i saw it OTL
Dex-chan lover
Apr 7, 2020
Aww the kids starting to accept him and helping him was cute af too
Group Leader
Jan 18, 2018
@mimicking the watermark is actually not that noticeable (at least for me and the way I read.)

I, for one, would rather that scanlators never use watermarks. It's as if they're saying, "Look at us! We stole this from the copyright holder but don't you dare steal it from us!"
Group Leader
Jul 12, 2018
@fredfriendly I feel like I've lived long enough to become a villain (y'know as the saying goes) I used to think that too, but I was told to put the watermark on. now idk? I might re-up the chapters w/o watermarks
Group Leader
Jan 18, 2018
I feel like I've lived long enough to become a villain (y'know as the saying goes) I used to think that too, but I was told to put the watermark on. now idk? I might re-up the chapters w/o watermarks

That you would even consider removing the watermarks is a step in the right direction. At least those used here aren't grotesquely huge, like some other scanlation groups use that make it difficult to see the actual images on the page. I don't know what rationalization BAP scans for watermarking their work, though I imagine it most likely has something to do with money, as it usually does when groups watermark their work.

Anyhow, the series is enjoyable so far, and thanks for your hard work.
Double-page supporter
Jun 8, 2018
it's so sad that he still doesn't realise how cute he is 😭 talking to lil kids in the library and his hands peeking out of his floppy oversized sleeves while he delicately clutches the pen case?? my dude is the CEO of gap moe ♥
Group Leader
Jul 12, 2018
@VINT64 sorry for the awkwardly timed @, but i always recall your comment when i work on this series. just re-did ch 3-4 (including the bear sfx you mentioned this chap).

planning on redoing ch5-6, and 7+ in high quality

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