If you have any comments, suggestions, or corrections, let us know and we will update accordingly.
Also just let me know if I'm going overboard with the redrawing for the sfx. Its obviously easier for me to do editor notes instead but I have fun with the redraws, but clearly they take longer. Just what the balance should be.
And as always if you like it follow the creator!! https://twitter.com/reverse_frog https://pixiv.me/lookingup0623
That exclamation mark on page 2 is exactly what you think it is ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°). Great work from the boys once again! If you have feedback we try and read through all the comments so we appreciate anything you can give or say, and if you love it
and /SS/
please make sure you check out the Author's other works as the links are in the credits! Also anyone else love Connie's faces cuz boy I sure do.