I am sorry, I don't understand why so many people seem to love Iris...
Don't get me wrong, I don't hate her, nor do I mind that people do in fact love her..
But I just don't see the appeal.. It doesn't seem she has a real purpose at best, and at worst just create unnecessary (/dumb) conflicts that just feel out of place, and in my opinion, halt the progress of the story..
In other words, I personally want to see how Matthias handle the situation, not Iris bumbling around being useless and filling no purpose except being a gag...
I know people like "relieve" characters. But I do believe there is a HUGE difference between someone like for example Sokka from Avatar, and Jar Jar Bi.. Sorry, I meant Iris.
.... Though her stepping off the highway after the butterfly is totally about to cause everyone trouble.
Still, more Iris please!
Yeah......... Why is the "too dumb too live" character (in girls) so popular? Even the people loving this type KNOWS what will most likely happen...