Shin no Nakama janai to Yuusha no Party wo Oidasareta node, Henkyou de Slow Life suru Koto ni shimashita - Vol. 13 Ch. 65

Feb 4, 2019
Dex-chan lover
Apr 7, 2019
Can't believe the anime is already airing season 2 and we just got the dumbfuck's death this chapter...

However, no matter how hated he is this panel has great potential:
Active member
Feb 11, 2023
Been waiting for this moment ever since I saw it in the anime and I gotta say the manga version is a thousand times more satisfying. We actually get to see Ares suffer and beg for with pathetic life for all the bullshit he has caused unlike in the anime where it all happened so fast. It’s always satisfying to see jackasses like Ares get what’s coming to them and this chapter did not disappoint. Burn in Hell Ares.
Dex-chan lover
May 29, 2020
they give the body to the church and don't go to the funeral
Dex-chan lover
Dec 13, 2018
Wait, don't turn around. Make sure he's dead. Stab him in the dick! That way even if he survives, he won't appear in front of you again because his nickname will be Dickless.
Dex-chan lover
Sep 26, 2018
This is what you get when you don't pick up the feat to still-spell.
Most of these series only go for quicken cast(chantless magic), but still and silent magic would be even more useful in these situations.

Sure, you have to burn a few more spell slots, but sometimes it's worth it.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 5, 2023
Sorry author, but no one has ever cared about the "action" in these romance comedies. This isn't Berserk, we aren't here for that. No one was ever here for that, it's fun when it pops up, but the ROMANCE is what people want.
Completely agree. This started as a slice of life, romance. It is literally in the name. The last year was spend on this, this is in no way a "quiet life" like the title promised.

It started of great, but since his sister came back, and especially since chapter 55, which was indeed 7 months ago, this has gone nowhere.
Jan 23, 2018
I don't really see how making them suffer before death benefits anyone. That's how you become radicalized dude, by thinking justice = what they deserve = suffering.

I hate to point it out, but just look at all the wars we have these days. No one will ever feel guilty about making others suffer because, well, in their mind it's what they deserve because they are "evil" (a concept that is so childish that it's scary people have devolved into good/evil). Social media has helped speed up this good vs evil stupidity and here we are.

Everyone thinks everyone deserves justified punishment for their actions.
Ya, there is very few people in this world that are truly evil, they do exist though. Putin and Netanyahu definitely are evil. To be evil you need to not care about others, you need to be willing to throw innocents into harms way with no regard, you need to be narcissistic enough to believe in your cause regardless of the innocents impacted and you need the ability to be able to act on all those traits. Even if we perfectly cloned Hitler with all his memories, if he was stuck in bed all his life with no real way to affect others he would not be evil, no matter the piece of shit he might be.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 5, 2020
Sorry author, but no one has ever cared about the "action" in these romance comedies. This isn't Berserk, we aren't here for that. No one was ever here for that, it's fun when it pops up, but the ROMANCE is what people want.
People read story for the entire story, not just for one part.
It's like saying no one care about Eowyn's story in The Lord of the Rings because it's not a romance story. It's part of the story, it's here to show the character grow and how their world evolve.
Without everythings not related to romance the little sister here would never be delivered from her blessing...

That's how you become radicalized dude, by thinking justice = what they deserve = suffering.
You become radicalized when you want crazy murderer who want to manipulate a little girl to be his object to be punished?
God, i hope you never have kids...

I hate to point it out, but just look at all the wars we have these days. No one will ever feel guilty about making others suffer because, well, in their mind it's what they deserve because they are "evil" (a concept that is so childish that it's scary people have devolved into good/evil). Social media has helped speed up this good vs evil stupidity and here we are.
Yeah right! Today people lack ampathy so much! It was so much better a hundred year ago when people killed each other in trench with mass bayonette charge and chimical weapon, dying by the thousand in a matter of hour...
People were so much more human before social media...

Spoiler: there has been war continuously forever, the only dif is that before people like you ignore all war media don't talk about. Like the war that happened to the south of Russia just before the Ukrainian war that none of you ever gave any fuck about...
Dex-chan lover
Apr 10, 2018
And thus the Sage dies. Give the man a hand, folks, he died like the dog he is.
Dex-chan lover
Oct 12, 2018
Ya, there is very few people in this world that are truly evil, they do exist though. Putin and Netanyahu definitely are evil. To be evil you need to not care about others, you need to be willing to throw innocents into harms way with no regard, you need to be narcissistic enough to believe in your cause regardless of the innocents impacted and you need the ability to be able to act on all those traits. Even if we perfectly cloned Hitler with all his memories, if he was stuck in bed all his life with no real way to affect others he would not be evil, no matter the piece of shit he might be.
So do you believe that they inherently evil or it was the circumstances they were raised in? you bring up Hitler do you mean he wouldn’t be evil because he’s literally in a room where he can’t affect others, or are you saying he’d be a different person because he was locked up in a room?

Because if you actually believe they are inherently evil and would repeat the same things, if raised in a completely different way in a completely different place with a completely different family, but I truly think you are the evil one.

If you can’t put yourself in other peoples shoes and understand that if you were raised that way and took their place, that you would be completely a different person with different morals.

This is literally why people will never stop fighting wars. Because they believe the other side is evil, and can’t imagine that if they were raised in their place with their you assume you’d have a completely different worldview.

Everyone is capable of change, good and bad, but label someone evil removes that ability to change. You’ve labelled them a demon only spread evil, which is ridiculous and childish and terrifying.

When I was younger when people used to go to jail, you’d hope they get rehabilitated and get better. But when people go to jail now, most people on social media will openly, hope that person is raped and killed for their actions instead of rehabilitating and becoming a better person. I had to stop being friends with certain people because they would gleefully hope for the death of certain people and not realize how fucked up that is.

“they deserve it”, that mindset is terrifying. Because there is no conversation there, it’s just letting out the perceived justice. It’s the equivalent of going to a public execution.

Suffering does not equal justice. It just spreads more suffering.
Dex-chan lover
Oct 12, 2018
People read story for the entire story, not just for one part.
It's like saying no one care about Eowyn's story in The Lord of the Rings because it's not a romance story. It's part of the story, it's here to show the character grow and how their world evolve.
Without everythings not related to romance the little sister here would never be delivered from her blessing...

You become radicalized when you want crazy murderer who want to manipulate a little girl to be his object to be punished?
God, i hope you never have kids...

Yeah right! Today people lack ampathy so much! It was so much better a hundred year ago when people killed each other in trench with mass bayonette charge and chimical weapon, dying by the thousand in a matter of hour...
People were so much more human before social media...

Spoiler: there has been war continuously forever, the only dif is that before people like you ignore all war media don't talk about. Like the war that happened to the south of Russia just before the Ukrainian war that none of you ever gave any fuck about...

It’s very interesting seeing you come at me with such hate and anger, I hope you realize how radicalized and full of hate you’ve become.

One day you’ll realize that everyone is just a human being with different circumstances, raised in a different way. One day you’ll realize that if you were raised in a different country with a different religion, different family, different everything, youll have a completely different moral view on the world. All of a sudden it becomes hard to label people evil but you need to work on it. And get off social media and get out of those echo chambers that just spread that hate.

But not this day, this day, you’ll probably just call me some horrible name and assume I’m some horrible person and call me evil and just move on with your life thinking you’re the hero of the story. Good luck.
Jan 23, 2018
So do you believe that they inherently evil or it was the circumstances they were raised in? you bring up Hitler do you mean he wouldn’t be evil because he’s literally in a room where he can’t affect others, or are you saying he’d be a different person because he was locked up in a room?

So do you believe that they inherently evil or it was the circumstances they were raised in? you bring up Hitler do you mean he wouldn’t be evil because he’s literally in a room where he can’t affect others, or are you saying he’d be a different person because he was locked up in a room?
People aren't born evil exactly, it's a variety of factors that makes someone evil. Some of that starts with pure mental illness to the point where they would say torture/kill animals for fun. The rest is what is instilled into them followed by the actions they then take from everything that has been internalized as their sense of self.

Hitler is a weird case, he himself(as far as I know) didn't start with mental illness, but factors of the time + his choices + illness later in life is what led to him being evil.

The weirdness of cloning means they are someone but not. If you cloned hitler you could argue he has the ability to be evil, but evil is an act you commit and it's affected by scale/the nature of the act. If you cloned him as a baby but with no memories he would not be evil, no person starts as evil. If you clone him with memories but isolate him, he has done nothing but the likelihood of him attempting to regain power is immense based on his personality that we do know about.
If you can’t put yourself in other peoples shoes and understand that if you were raised that way and took their place, that you would be completely a different person with different morals.

This is literally why people will never stop fighting wars. Because they believe the other side is evil, and can’t imagine that if they were raised in their place with their you assume you’d have a completely different worldview.

Everyone is capable of change, good and bad, but label someone evil removes that ability to change. You’ve labelled them a demon only spread evil, which is ridiculous and childish and terrifying.
I understand putting myself in other peoples shoes, it's why I did not say Israel is evil. I said the leader is, Netanyahu has no hope, there is NOTHING he can do or change at this point that does not make him a monster, someone who is evil. The people of Israel are swayed by the emotion of the recent attack and propaganda(many of the fake claims that were debunked by Israeli news) into a position they struggle to understand the consequences of. Mind you, that is based on numbers of polling, I assume there is many who are unpolled who strongly oppose the Gaza operations.

The reason I think Netanyahu specifically is evil, is because he is willing to continue a war against terrorists where 90% of the deaths are civilians trapped inside of a 141sq mile prison and over 90% of the population is starving. They are using(Netanyahu approved) methods even the US thought were too much during our failed operations(dropping 2000lb bombs in crowded civilian areas). He is going against the US strongly recommending to not use the methods they are using(indiscriminate bombing) due to our experience in failing using similarly ineffective methods at our own peril. To top all this off, he is waging this war in this manner because if he does not do everything the hard right want in Israel(currently governening) he will lose power and likely end up in prison due to his corruption before this attack even happened. None of this is to mention that said actions he took to avoid getting kicked out for corruption is likely the reason why the october 7th attack was able to happen in the first place. Parts of the government knew the exact planned attack was being planned along with trained for, other governments warned them directly something big was looming in the 2 weeks coming up to the attack which were ignored.
When I was younger when people used to go to jail, you’d hope they get rehabilitated and get better. But when people go to jail now, most people on social media will openly, hope that person is raped and killed for their actions instead of rehabilitating and becoming a better person. I had to stop being friends with certain people because they would gleefully hope for the death of certain people and not realize how fucked up that is.

“they deserve it”, that mindset is terrifying. Because there is no conversation there, it’s just letting out the perceived justice. It’s the equivalent of going to a public execution.

Suffering does not equal justice. It just spreads more suffering.
I 100% agree, I am against the current "punishment" based incarceration. 100% of people in prison are flawed, most did something to deserve themselves being in prison, none deserve to be tortured and exploited in the way that the overwhelming majority of US prisons are designed currently. The overwhemling majority of people in prison will be released from prison, what we are willing to put into them is what we are going to get back from as a society them when they are released. Out of the over 1.2m in prison, maybe 1000 I would actually clasify as evil.

There is a lot more I could say about it

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