Shin no Nakama janai to Yuusha no Party wo Oidasareta node, Henkyou de Slow Life suru Koto ni shimashita

Jun 5, 2018
@ivv It's pretty good tbh. Avoids some tropes you would otherwise expect. Relationship actually progresses. The sister seems to be yandere. Only thing I dislike is, his sister clearly obsesses over him, but just did nothing when he was removed. More plot unravels, but it just causes it to make even less sense since it implies the sister knew all along.
Active member
Feb 15, 2018
Let's not forget that, while the MC is playing around with the girl, having an idyllic "slow" life, the party that needs to save the world is crumbling apart because he left a sociopath in charge.
Jun 5, 2018
@Isekaijin Yeah he's such a confident person but it only took that guy being a dick once to drive him out. That whole side of it is just confusing to me. My only guess is there's so much involved that they plan to slowly flash back it like they have so far.
I understand the mc's concern. In an RPG world he was essentially at level cap, and the war was only going tog et more dangerous. Feeling like you're focing your 'friends'/sister to protect you would weigh on anyone. Still, no one in their right mind would leave their family with someone who literally gives an example of how nuts he is. Just weird writing all around.

Everything else has been pretty enioyable, for me anyways.
Aggregator gang
Apr 27, 2018
@Scynix assuming you haven't read the LN/WN, there's actually a reason for why she did nothing it's that
divine protections will force your action/inaction and the compulsion is stronger depending on it's level, the hero's base compulsion is already strong but add in that she's basically one of the strongest people in universe at this point makes that much stronger and makes it so that she cannot stop / hinder her duty for reasons such personal feelings and is compelled to help people regardless of her feelings on the matter. finding Red would hinder this and therefore she's compelled not to do such an action

spoiler involves divine protection lore for those wondering.
Jun 5, 2018
@noobtube2 I had no idea. I usually do read the LN's too, I just didn't think to look for this one. Thanks, heaps! Now I got somethin to read tonight ^_^
Jan 27, 2018
Hmm. Reading one chapter ... and dropped it.
Why ?
Is the MC a complete moron ? One party member more or less 'forces' him to leave (not really forcing, more telling him to leave).
OK, can happen.
But then he handed over all of his equipment, for what reason ? That is just theft.
Which sane person would give all of his stuff to a thief and leave ?
I remember another manga which had the same beginning. Dropped it as well.
Double-page supporter
May 29, 2019
This guy handles all their group's logistical problems and everyone who was a part of their group literally depended on him. How is he useless?
Dex-chan lover
May 10, 2018
Poor Ruty having huge hero restrictions. This just creates a pychopath. No way around it unless the yandere gets her meal every day.
Fed-Kun's army
Jan 23, 2018
The shittiest thing about the MangaDex community is how a bunch of people always rate things either a 10 or a 1 like it's just a fuckin' thumbs up or thumbs down system. I figure it's because the overall rating isn't as low or high as they think it should be so they go for the most extreme numbers to try to change it, but whatever the case, it's dumb.
You can tell this manga is good 'cuz the number of 8 ratings surpass the 10s, and the 9s are pretty close, and there are hardly any 2-4 ratings. There are enough normal people who think this manga is way above average to outweigh the crazies, so a bunch of those 10s are probably legit "I usually rate average semi-interesting manga 5 or 6 and I honestly think this is 10/10" ratings too.

It has that typically boring "you have a class assigned by the gods that dictates your skills" trope, but instead of making it an easy and boring justification for a generic power fantasy, it makes the classes a core part of the worldbuilding and really tries to explore the idea.
It has the gimmick where one asshole party member conspires to get the protagonist kicked out of the hero party because he's jealous of him for X despite Y, a premise that I've personally always hated even before it was a common setup to manga with "slow life" in the title, but it's feels really well-executed here since
the entire rest of the party knew how important the protagonist's people-person skills were even before he left, the whole party has already figured out that it was entirely the asshole's fault that protag is gone, and the girl that asshole wants to smooch tried to literally murder him for making her onii-chan leave and the only reason she didn't is because her class actively stops her from killing her party members unless they physically attack her, since legendary heroes aren't supposed to teamkill.
In other manga, this is usually used to set up a needlessly antagonistic villain for the self-insert MC to hate for turning the party against him, but here it ends up as a neat little two-plot thing where our protagonist is just chillin' in the countryside somewhere with a cute girl makin' potions, convinced that they're better off without him, meanwhile a couple of the hero's party members are desperately trying to figure out what the fuck happened to him so they can get him back.

The protagonist feels like his own character. He's got the overpowered thing goin' on (at least compared to the people around him, not necessarily OP compared to the hero & party), but it feels like an integral part of the plot and not an excuse for self-insert wankery.

The romance is cute too.

Neat manga. Even if you're tired of isekai manga, or non-isekai manga with isekai tropes, try giving it a read. My hopes weren't high based on the premise, but it grew on me fast.
Nov 14, 2019
It's generic power fantasy stuff honestly, but I appreciate the integrity to have only a single female love interest and not devolve into a teenage wish-fulfillment harem. The princess is okay, but I can't say the same for the main character. He's dreadfully boring, and his characterization is all over the place. I can't put my finger exactly on what's specifically wrong with him, but it's probably his completely subdued personality. All in all, nothing special really.
The scene where the hero punches the sage clean in two in anger and then hesitantly heals him is actually gold though. This needs more interesting character actions like that.
Double-page supporter
Jan 18, 2018
The writing is significantly better than the generic setup would suggest. It also does a great job of showing how twisted a world defined by such strict classes could become.

The fact that someone's class can overwrite their personality to a large degree is really disturbing, especially given that it is still perceived as a "blessing". Just waiting for the reveal that their god is somehow malicious.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 5, 2019
After reading the chapter about how fucking horrible his sister, the hero’s, life is currently it’s kinda hard to enjoy Red and Lit lackadaisically living in the middle of nowhere.
Active member
Feb 19, 2020
I read the description. Literally one second late when I come back, the description was changed. Funny coincidence.

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