I checked my fonts and apparently the text anti-aliasing isn't on. It's probably been like that for... quite a few chapters. I went through all of this chapter and added smooth aa to the text, and reuploaded it, so if you see this comment could you tell me if it looks better? Well.. I hope that's what you were referring to when you said the text rendering. If it's not, then... shrug
To be honest I feel like a daily upload isn't *that* slow of a rate. And when I say chapters 6-9 have been translated, that's all that's been done with them. They still have to be typeset and such

They're in the works though
Thank you for the concern. I'm good for now, and if the thing with the volunteer typesetter works out it should ease the amount of work I have to do for this series by a bit, but yeah... for the next series I pick up, I'll probably set a more reasonable release schedule lol