If it were like the modern world, there would be no reason. In fantasy stories like this, stuck up nobles and their pride deliberately go out of their way to ruin the fun for everyone but themselves.Yes Angelica's back!!!! And introduced in almost the same way as the last arc too XD
This school is pretty messed up I have to say, it makes no sense why they'd want to get rid of their best students.
And it's good to see Rick demolish the challenges and stun everyone again
Look up "stack ranking". Blizzard was in the news recently because one of their long-time leads was fired for refusing to give employees poor reviews even though they did their jobs well. It's not exactly the same as these idiot nobles but it's pretty darn close.If it were like the modern world, there would be no reason. In fantasy stories like this, stuck up nobles and their pride deliberately go out of their way to ruin the fun for everyone but themselves.
Where Rick is concerned though, to be fair, no one there except Angelica knows what he's actually capable of.