Shinu hodo Kimi no Shojo ga Hoshii - Vol. 2 Ch. 12

Dex-chan lover
Jan 21, 2018
That moment of emptiness when he was asked about his highschool life, dammit.
As always, thanks for the chapter.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 13, 2018
This manga could be absolutely kino if chapter 120 rolls around and he stickin it in Mika and there ain't no blood or pain and he be like "dafuq, aren't you a virgin?" and she be like "wth dude I lost my virginity in middle school like most attractive girls".
And then credits roll
Dex-chan lover
Dec 20, 2019
@chusetto Probably due to zero-tolerance policies like the ones my high school had. Victim of bullying? Too bad, everyone involved gets suspended
Group Leader
Jan 27, 2019
lol so here's a long personal story on how fucked up the school systems are and why I'd totally buy this reaction, if you're interested.
When I was in high school this girl straight up put me in a choke hold in the library in the middle of lunch to try and strangle me, whispered "I hope you die" into my ear, but let me go and just left when I reacted loudly to get people's attention.
Went to the principal immediately to report it, had issues with this girl before but that was the first time she actually did something physical.
When we both got called in together (which was already a dick move as I was fucking terrified of her at that point and they made me sit right next to her, practically touching elbows), she claimed I cyber bullied her. No proof, no evidence, just said I did. Principals just straight up took her word for it and told me if I wanted them to punish her I'd have to take the punishment for cyberbullying, which was ironically worse than the punishment for physical assault at the school.
One of the biggest regrets of my life was not having enough faith in my parents that they would have NEVER allowed the school to actually punish me. I wish I would have called their bluff, but I didn't bc I was a good kid who didn't want to be in trouble. Girl went on to stalk and threaten me throughout the rest of my high school experience. Every time I reported her shit I just got the "I'll look into it" response and nothing happened. Had to threaten to go to the media with my story just to get her removed from a shared class where we worked with live children aged 2-5. They didn't even really take her out of the class either, just moved her to a different hour. Why they let a student with multiple incidence of violence (I wasn't the only one) on their record into a class where you worked with children was beyond me in the first place.

Here's why this happened: My school district was receiving hellish backlash from media sources due to the fact that there were an alarming amount of teachers being found out to be pedophiles or just engaging in otherwise predatory behavior. Like, at least 1 per year for 5 years straight. We also held the record for teen pregnancies in the area if not the entire state lol. There were daily fist fights at my high school in specific, likely due to the fact we were stuffed into hallways like sardines due to overcrowding that the school was trying desperately to hide. Finally, there was a very prolific suicide within the district due to cyberbullying, hence why the school had such a ridiculously high punishment for it and didn't really require any evidence. Like literally there was a student that got a weeks worth of suspension for telling another student that they liked their previous haircut better on a facebook post. School's policy was "it's not how you meant it, it's how the other person took it" when it came to cyberbullying. Just as shit a policy as "if you defend yourself you're guilty of fighting as well".

Anyway, that's how I got mild PTSD and still occasionally have nightmares about this girl attacking me 8 years later despite the fact I've never seen her since graduation and I've moved states lol. Worst part is, these reoccurring nightmares are always more about me being surrounded by people and begging them for help as they just stand by and do nothing.
TL;DR, a girl tried to strangle me in high school and my school officials were far more concerned with trying to cover it (and the many other incidents) up due to media backlash to do anything about it. They actually threatened to punish me if I didn't drop it and now I have PTSD from it lol
Group Leader
Jan 27, 2019
funny enough, wasn't until I went to college to become a teacher myself that I realized they were breaking some laws lol. I was physically assaulted, and had to fill out a form documenting the assault and they just tossed it in the trash when I fell for their bluff. I know they did because when I came to them asking for a copy of it, as I was considering getting a restraining order against her when she started stalking me outside of school, they said they had no record of such a thing.
I came to them time and time again expressing my fear of going to school because of her, how she was sending people to tell me the ways she was gonna jump me whenever she got a chance, how she stood outside my classrooms just to intimidate me so I would be late to class, how I felt like I needed to change schools to get away from her, I was reporting abuse to them. They're mandated reporters, they're legally required to document these statements and contact proper authorities.

Like, my dad is a lawyer and one of the best things he ever did was call up my principal and tell him "If that girl touches my daughter again, I'm not just suing the school district, I'm suing you personally for negligence as well."
Another tidbit of the story:
The most laughable thing though, was when she started to stalk me outside of school I went to my principal monday morning, who decided I needed to see the crisis counselor because I was clearly just an over emotional student having a break down over nothing (massive eye roll). The fucking crisis counselor says to me "I don't have time for this" before even talking to me. Like, imagine I was having a genuine crisis and the first thing you say to me is "I don't have time for your problems" lol. Then he sits me in his office, half listens to what I have to say and even tells me "I don't care about the beginning just what happened the other day?" and then says "brb" and leaves. For 3 hours. I sat my ass in his office for 3 whole hours wondering if he was even coming back, nor did I have any idea what he was doing or where he went. I missed 3 whole ass classes just sitting in a room wondering what the fuck was going on. When he finally does come back he's like "Shes dating your ex right?" and I'm like "I think? if you can call it an ex, we 'dated' for a whole week in middle school. I never even saw the dude outside of school."
"Yeah but that's why youre mad right? She's breaking girl code for dating your ex, so you're mad at her for that right?" (He literally used the phrase "girl code", shit you not). By that point I was done with his sexist bullshit and just told him I was going to go to the police with my problems. Tried to tell me as I left "Well you won't have any case!" and I was just like "Don't care, I'm telling anyone who will listen. Police, the news, my lawyers, whoever is going to help me since the school will not"
That was when they finally removed her from my class. Then he tried to tell me not to tell my parents about what happened that day so obviously the first thing I did was tell my mom who was about to come beat that dude's ass for daring to imply that I, a minor, shouldn't tell my parents about something. (Think this was after my dad threatened legal action, so that's probably why lmao)

Edit: oh and speaking of funding lmfao, that was one of the issues they faced. Our test scores were so low they would basically not acknowledge cheating even if it happened right in front of their face and passed anyone along to avoid losing any more funding. My sister was an advanced student and she told them she wanted to take more challenging courses/dual college credit courses bc she was bored in the regular classes and they wouldn't let her because "we don't want to risk your grades dropping by giving you a challenge, we need students like you who are doing well" lol
We had a record breaking football team tho, and that's where most of the school's money came from. The year after I graduated they legit cut the number of art classes in half because the football team "needed those classrooms for storage"
Dex-chan lover
Aug 2, 2020
Beats her with a squared off timber?

Jesus, so the guy flat out tries to murder her??

This has gone off the "I wanna bust my to-be-wive's v-card" into some pretty fucking dark territory quick.
Fed-Kun's army
Aug 16, 2020
I want everyone to know if you see a guy like that hanging in the classroom being weird and saying shit like that, just do the world a favor and beat his ass, break his legs or within an inch of his life cuz thats exactly what he needs
Fed-Kun's army
Jan 24, 2020
This is how you become the first target of the school shooter ↓
Dex-chan lover
Mar 6, 2020
okay interesting. I can sympathize a bit. being in a situation where you either willingly or unwillingly help a bully victim only to be the one bullied all throughout instead because of that. its hard to not direct your anger to the original victim instead. Still it is terrible to come to that thinking but its understandable.

also thats weird. why would a school announce publicly that someone is expelled and or suspended? I thought only the class they're in should know.

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