New Manga Title: A Story About A Boy Who Lives A Peaceful Life In The Boonies But Yearns For Adventure That Gets Saved By A Great Pirate So He Decides To Find The Legendary Pirate Treasure And Travel To The Dangerous Seas Finding True Comrades Along The Way But Wait He Ate A Magic Fruit And Can't Swim Anymore How Will He Become The Best Pirate? Is It Ok To Be An Adventurer If You Are Stretchy???
I think I saw what it seems to be a domestic violence in public but when I'm attempting to stop it.. they get mad at me saying they were doing an SM play.
So.. what constitute as Domestic Violence and what constitute as SM play? Or does that couple actually trying to cover the Domestic Violence by saying it was a play? Hmm....
in the game portal 2; Cave Johnson suggest an invention: a combustible lemon to burn a house.
while the chemical composition of lemon made it possible for them to keep a flame living, i don't think lemons can blow up.
and that makes me sad