Show Me Your Bust - Ch. 16

Dex-chan lover
Jan 8, 2023
I feel that punch was a little undeserving.

Brown hair totally led her on:
-you can play with my boobs
-turn the lights off
-makes moans while boobs are touched
-asked to be looked in the eyes

Instead of sucker punching her before the kiss, couldn’t she said, stop, what are you doing? Lol.
That's exactly my feeling. Seems abrupt and overboard. Brown also clearly has a crush but she's kept it secret. Blue is not responsible for being a mind reader. Blue is single and can sleep with who she wants and from her perspective this touching is something both of them consent to. So a sudden punch is a bit much, especially when as you said Brown is clearly secretly enjoying getting to be so close to her crush. Last chapter Blue was discussing putting an end to it and Brown is the one who asked for one last time. She then asks for the lights to be off, asks to have eye contact and obviously Brown could feel Blue kissing her stomach. She knew things were escalating and was fine with it (even moaning, as Blue noticed and talked about). Blue has been honest and Brown is hiding feelings. I guess some still view sleeping around while single as a bad character trait, since somehow Blue is getting some negative comments despite the fact that she's done nothing wrong so far.
Last edited:
Oct 2, 2018
Well deserved punch. Hopefully brought some sense to her head.
I mean, maybe? She did sort of lead her into the boob play, but kang was going places she didn't ask for first. Maybe brown hair called her our for being guilty about her actions (eye contact) and followed to stop the unexpected kiss. Maybe you're right, Kang ho herself said she deserved that 🤔
Double-page supporter
Mar 29, 2023
Me: "Damn! that was a strong hook!"
Woo-hui: "If she dies, she dies."
Angel on Kang Ji-ho's shoulder: "Get up you son of a b*tch, cause Mickey loves you!"
Dex-chan lover
Nov 6, 2019
I thought maybe that was a gag panel at the end or something like authors sometimes do. That actually happened? Sheesh
Dex-chan lover
Mar 27, 2023
Ah! Woo-hui you coward! :bleh: show us the seggs! :qq:

Can't wait for the drama and all the angst. Maybe after 30 chapters? :02:
Apr 14, 2023
I love to see different opinions about these characters but im not sure why blue hair gets hate. She is single and having fun i dont see a problem with that. Plus no one has made their feelings aware to her so she is just living life lmao

That punch was undeserving tbh, unless brown hair girl told her to stop and kept going anyways then i understand. Either brown hair girl has feelings for her and scared to admit, or she is dragging her along because she likes the attention and is actually straight (i've been there unfortunately).

Either way i think its still too early to tell. I need more back stories and flash backs of these characters before i make sound judgement. I am enjoying the story so far and i'm along for the ride
Dex-chan lover
Jul 15, 2020
It so weird, it's almost like she asked for the kiss then punched her, she didn't even felt like the violent type, i don't mind "interrupting" the kiss, it ( the punch ) was so out of place tho.
Well, she probably panicked, and choose to escape. She might have only wanted to get Ji-ho off of her, but punched her instead.

Aguy! Deserved char ahaha.
Well, at least she got her answer, as to why Ji-ho does she not look her in the eye: because they she wants to kiss her.

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