Show Me Your Bust - Ch. 38

Dex-chan lover
Aug 14, 2023
To begin with, everything between Woohui and Jiho is strange, they are immature and lack good communication. I want and hope they show us Jiho's perspective, how can she not find it strange that she gets hit and Woohui leaves like that? Why don't you even ask him? To begin with, it's all very strange, so I hope the author shows us his point of view, while Woohui was regretting it, she was as if nothing had happened. Another thing to add, this progress was somehow necessary and has been the clearest thing we have seen so far in history, since we always saw the same thing over and over again.
Its not strange at all. Blue does not think about it at all. She is just happy she gets some boob. No reflection at all. In the begining she even had a internal monolog about how it was not cool. But she did not really care.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 23, 2019
Brunette's going to get yaya'd for the next few chapters at least, her suffering arc begins now
Oct 22, 2023
Ce n'est pas étrange du tout. Bleu n'y pense pas du tout. Elle est juste heureuse d'avoir des seins. Aucune réflexion du tout. Au début, elle avait même un monologue interne sur le fait que ce n'était pas cool. Mais elle s’en fichait vraiment.
Je ne comprends pas votre animosité contre Jiho (ce serait bien de les appeler par leur nom après 38 chapitres...)

Je pense que vous vous trompez complètement sur son compte. Les prochains chapitres finiront par vous le démontrer, je n'en doute pas une seconde.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 17, 2023
Its not strange at all. Blue does not think about it at all. She is just happy she gets some boob. No reflection at all. In the begining she even had a internal monolog about how it was not cool. But she did not really care.
I agree, but I think this is a turning point. Blue will feel regrets, Brown will feel more gay, Pink will take on more ballast and sink. This is phase two.

Phase 1) Fuck Around
Phase 2) Find Out
Phase 3) Profit! (Character Growth)
Jul 15, 2023
Of course, the author is preparing to introduce chapters about the pitiful past of her beloved main character Kang Jiho, similar to how she did with the fav midget daughter Sumin from wdtfs lol
Dex-chan lover
Oct 29, 2023
if I Like Boobs the Most in the World was more interested in drama I think it would have ended up something like this

I’m looking forward to Woo-hui finally getting cornered about her feelings
Active member
Nov 7, 2023
Its not strange at all. Blue does not think about it at all. She is just happy she gets some boob. No reflection at all. In the begining she even had a internal monolog about how it was not cool. But she did not really care.
No, what a good description of the character haha, we'll see, hopefully it won't be like that, if not, his character will seem less striking to me than before haha, so I'm sure this will have a background, I don't think his character will fall . being so superficial and basic.
Dex-chan lover
Jul 22, 2019
Woohui is sure hilarious calling Jiho a pushover in her relationship with Yeonwoo when SHE was the one dating a man who treated her with no respect, love or care and even hit her one of her friends but even knowing all that she still liked him and wanted to be with him. Who’s the real pushover? she should’ve some shame.

At least Yeonwoo has been honest about what she wants from Jiho and doesn’t treat her like shit for no reason
Jan 16, 2023
In my view, Jiho has low self-esteem. She doesn't believe she can attract any woman because she is constantly mocked by her own friends. If we go back a few chapters, we will see how her friends made fun of her clothes, hobbies, and lifestyle. The girl with pink hair seems to have been her first sexual relationship. It seems that Jiho has never been in a relationship before, so she doesn't know which way to go from there. She only accepts it because, imagine yourself, reading this, being a weird, nerdy person with low self-esteem, suddenly involved with the most attractive girl in school. Even if you're not officially dating, who in this situation wouldn't just be happy with that? Jiho sees herself as pathetic. She knows that the girl with pink hair is just using her, but Jiho wants to believe that it's not just that, that this person genuinely likes her. Jiho wants to believe that, even though she knows deep down it's a lie and it won't happen. Among all of Jiho's friends, Woo-hui was the only one who didn't criticize her before. Now that Woo-hui has said what she really thinks of Jiho, Jiho is hurt.
Oct 22, 2023
À mon avis, Jiho a une faible estime de soi. Elle ne croit pas pouvoir attirer une femme parce qu'elle est constamment moquée par ses propres amis. Si nous remontons quelques chapitres en arrière, nous verrons comment ses amis se moquaient de ses vêtements, de ses passe-temps et de son style de vie. La jeune fille aux cheveux roses semble avoir été sa première relation sexuelle. Il semble que Jiho n’ait jamais été en couple auparavant, donc elle ne sait pas quelle direction prendre à partir de là. Elle l'accepte seulement parce que, imaginez-vous, en train de lire ceci, être une personne étrange et ringard avec une faible estime de soi, soudainement impliquée avec la fille la plus attirante de l'école. Même si vous ne sortez pas officiellement avec quelqu'un, qui, dans cette situation, ne serait pas content de cela ? Jiho se considère pathétique. Elle sait que la fille aux cheveux roses ne fait que l'utiliser, mais Jiho veut croire que ce n'est pas seulement ça, que cette personne l'aime vraiment. Jiho veut croire cela, même si elle sait au fond que c'est un mensonge et que cela n'arrivera pas. Parmi tous les amis de Jiho, Woo-hui était le seul à ne pas la critiquer auparavant. Maintenant que Woo-hui a dit ce qu'elle pensait vraiment de Jiho, Jiho est blessée.
Enfin un commentaire plein de bon sens, merci :)
Fed-Kun's army
Aug 24, 2023
Woohui is sure hilarious calling Jiho a pushover in her relationship with Yeonwoo when SHE was the one dating a man who treated her with no respect, love or care and even hit her one of her friends but even knowing all that she still liked him and wanted to be with him. Who’s the real pushover? she should’ve some shame.

At least Yeonwoo has been honest about what she wants from Jiho and doesn’t treat her like shit for no reason
Isn't it exactly the reason why Woo-Hui calls her like that?
Especially because Ji-Ho helped her not being a pushover anymore?
Fed-Kun's army
Aug 24, 2023
In my view, Jiho has low self-esteem. She doesn't believe she can attract any woman because she is constantly mocked by her own friends. If we go back a few chapters, we will see how her friends made fun of her clothes, hobbies, and lifestyle. The girl with pink hair seems to have been her first sexual relationship. It seems that Jiho has never been in a relationship before, so she doesn't know which way to go from there. She only accepts it because, imagine yourself, reading this, being a weird, nerdy person with low self-esteem, suddenly involved with the most attractive girl in school. Even if you're not officially dating, who in this situation wouldn't just be happy with that? Jiho sees herself as pathetic. She knows that the girl with pink hair is just using her, but Jiho wants to believe that it's not just that, that this person genuinely likes her. Jiho wants to believe that, even though she knows deep down it's a lie and it won't happen. Among all of Jiho's friends, Woo-hui was the only one who didn't criticize her before. Now that Woo-hui has said what she really thinks of Jiho, Jiho is hurt.
No, I don't see it like this, rather the complete opposite. Ji-Ho doesn't have a low self-esteem, she literally doesn't care what others think of her (strangers / ppl she isn't that close with), she said it several times. Woo-Hui's opinion unlike the others is something Ji-Ho cares about because she is the closest to her, so her seeing Ji-Ho as pushover hurts her.
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Dex-chan lover
Jul 22, 2019
Isn't it exactly the reason why Woo-Hui calls her like that?
Especially because Ji-Ho helped her not being a pushover anymore?
Don’t think so at all. Jiho helped her stop being a pushover? I mean she tried but Woohui would’ve continued dating the prick if HE hadn’t broken up with her. That’s the sole reason their relationship ended, it’s not like she ever decided to stand up for herself back then.

And how is Jiho a pushover? she’s in a consensual sexual relationship with someone, that’s all there is to it. Comparing it to Woohui’s crappy relationship is plain stupid and so is comparing WH’s ex boyfriend to Jiho’s sex partner.

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