No, she is probably the true ship now, she's the female character with the most apparence in the serie, the first on tome cover, and now this.
Myakko was just a bait to let Yasaka and Mike (Yasaka first crush, ah) to be rivals.
On one hand I kinda agree, on the other hand… it feels way too early in the story for Hachi to beat Mikeya. A third option would be for Hachi to lose, but still learn from the experience and be all the more motivated.
@Lyendith@thegentelman my guess is that they'll BOTH lose. this contest is open to more people than just those two, right? That way it would both bum out hachi, give him motivation to keep improving, and give mikeya more characterization/depth without sacrificing their rivalry by having hachi win so early on/mikeya win and nothing changes besides nominal "i'm gonna keep trying my best!!!" remarks. masuda is great at keeping his stories interesting, so i have hope the outcome won't be too boring or predictable!
Man, reading through all this speculation on how the plot is gonna go in the future after already knowing there’s only a few chapters left is kinda depressing.