I see what she's doing. Because Suou is a clone of Elisa (and a fertile one at that) it would allow her to have Reito's child by proxy. Cheeky, but I kinda like the idea in a twisted sort of way…
@Ni-Ji-Gen Why they keep thinking it’s not? Still I think their might be more too this though since sensei looks guilty, if she is faking anything maybe it’s about liking him or she hates sharing him....
@Korsai You sure it’s about fertility? Honestly it sounds like she is helping her stay alive by going through pain kinda like when people have a baby to extract nutrients (ie bone marrow from the spine, blood etc) ....I think both could get pregnant and her sharing her boyfriend with her clone is a form of repentance from all the pain she makes her naturally go through everyday to survive...To live longer ...
If anything it’s more worrying if it’s not kindness but rather using her clones son as experimental material For the virus....
Fair point. I would hope that Elisa is the kind of woman that Reito thinks she is, but 5 years and the shit she's had to see/hear can and will change a person, so we'll have to wait and see. But like I said, just like the last line of your comment, my theory is kinda twisted.
@Korsai I hope so too
Yeah, I think it’s just because something feels off about her that it’s almost natural to bring up something not....completely moral