Shuumatsu no Harem

Fed-Kun's army
Oct 16, 2018
Big story spoiler so click at your own risk
I fucking knew the author would go with the boring women hate men so they want to genocide all men route for this story.
Nov 21, 2020
The fact that people keep telling this plot is shit just makes me confused, you don't even pay for it let's be honest don't even criticize and just stfu

if you paid for it you'll be focused on the story because you spent the money on this literature which you'll need to focus on the detail so there's no waste of money

I've been reading it for ecchi and stay for the plot, if you don't like it at least don't spread your hate dumbass. this is 2020 does hate still exist in your heart? shame on you(moreover the fact you didn't pay for this makes me disgusted fr)

if this getting anime then why? if the fans are enjoying it and you don't then it is your problem, please some immature adult out there be considerable on using the internet and giving your opinion since a lot of opinions these days don't have any basis back up.

I even planning on buying the E-books slowly by gathering money from my own, unlike your inexperienced critics that don't have any right to read.

Also the more I dig into the plot the more I enjoy even the beginning is not satisfying enough but still, I have been waiting for this manga from 2017 to gather lots of chapters to satisfy and it satisfied the my expectation. if you don't like it then leave don't spread any negative comment that will affect this book
Jun 27, 2018
@Davincen Socialist ideology out of your mouth at its finest.

What you're saying is this " if you don't support it, you don't have any right to criticize it".
Imagine if all ideologists can get away freely with their anti-human ideology because non-supporters are not allowed to criticize it.
National Socialism and Communism would be as lively as they were in the early 20th century.

It's because at least some humans are intelligent that we get to criticize the products of the human mind (art,theory,ideology,philosophy,religion,etc.) regardless of our support or not.
In fact, an intelligent person will first analyze if it's worthy to support and only then invest time & money if deemed worthy, only an idiot will buy the literal cat in the bag,especially since it's part of marketing strategy to deceive potential customers into buying things they don't need/like at all.

It's very strange to "reason" on the aspect of financial support, simply because the initial product was paid for,then multiplied and then changed (in this case by translation and/or redrawing).
If for example a person on the street sings a song that is sold on CD, will you abstain from criticism because you didn't buy the CD of the singer/composer?

By the way, you can read the first 2 chapters for free on the official website anyway, which would allow you at least a pivotal lever to criticism on your terms.
The way the story develops is locked behind a paywall, but it's not as if there has been any major plot twist so far that would suggest you need either an IQ of 300 or scanlations to predict the outcome of the story, so far it's running pretty linearly, the good are the good, the bad are the bad, the masterminds are still the masterminds and the plan stays the same for both factions.

The way it's written is precisely the reason why it is perceived as bad as it is by many readers, it has the same problem as most ordinary modern stories categorized into the "harem genre", a male MC that doesn't entertain the idea of having more than one lover (but compromises on her clone it seems), female characters trying to seduce the MC relentlessly, an evil organization/entity as "main plot" to distract the reader from the fact that the story is about a man with woman troubles( i.e. a completely boring premise), continuous introduction of new characters without leaving the old behind (i.e. "magnetic overload" at some point) and the complete lack of suspense because of Deus Ex Machina in the seemingly toughest situations that are directly and completely resolved.

You get from this story what you should expect at this point, it's irrelevant if this sort of story is set in a fantasy world, the modern world, an apocalyptic world or another world completely (i.e. the infamous "isekai" genre).
Aug 22, 2019
They should seriously make this into a hentai animation instead vs a freaking anime from this lol
Jan 23, 2020
Spoil this for me please, does mc fuck the girls he is thown or it's always the herbivore japanese mc

and when


Apr 11, 2019
I bet this thing getting an anime because it popular there and there for the western opinion is irrelevant, probably.

now i began to think the standard of anime has bigin to shift... more adultery but with real plot and 12 episodes.
less than 12 episodes like 3 to 9 lots of Adult scene is hentai
Apr 13, 2020
I just finished the first chapter so I’m not gonna make a judgement on this but can’t they just do
artificial insemination? Like the guys don’t actually need to fuck and it seems much quicker to repopulate if they do that?
not sure if I should mark it as a spoiler since it’s just a thought but just in case
Dec 26, 2020
Is there a reason why the chapters both include raw color pages and then the same translated page next to it? Just to admire the smut or what?

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