Not really, I think those Japanese samurai stand with Buddha because Buddha also is the human. He is the Ancient India Prince before he created Buddhism. So the Buddha is human. In Buddhism, there are many human became God.
All the god from the previous chapters are all god-like (Poseidon, Zeus are both Titan son, not human) and god-blood (Heracles - Titan grandkids and Godson, he although admit his humanhood, but he is full god). THor also is a true full god. And Now is Shiva, is the deity of destruction, he existed before human.
7 luck god, all are god, not human. Especially, Bishamonten appears in many country myths, he exists all everywhere in China and SEA.
In many Religion, I have to say that Buddhism is most human-god. Japan god, many are youkai. Hinduism have many destructor. Norse and Christian and Greek have too much God, Angel, non-human bloodline.
In Asia, only Taoist and Buddhism, usually try to reincarnate to be human, to know the difficulty of human, and to know what they lack when became god. So many god from two religion are kind of want to protect part of humanity, not really want to destroy.