Silver Spoon - Vol. 15 Ch. 131 - Final Chapter. The Story of Yuugo Hachiken.

Group Leader
Jan 20, 2019
Oh my god, finallyyy.
This is years overdue, but I'm more than happy with this ending. Fine with the fact that the chapter is almost entirely about Komaba too, considering how he got put on a bus and never really played a significant role in the story again.

I hope Arakawa-sensei's situation has improved and I'm looking forward to her next work!
Active member
Jan 20, 2018
Our boy Hachiken's journey continues... off screen.

Right in the kokoro.
May 10, 2020
Wonderful end to a wonderful story, I'll remember this years later and I'll get all worked up thanks to it...
Dex-chan lover
Apr 15, 2018
Is this an open end?
Damn. Here I wish to see the wedding.
I know and understand the theme, but I really don't like this kind of ending.
Dex-chan lover
May 13, 2020
Ahhhh we really didn't get to see Mikage and Hachiko in even the same country at the end?? I can't believe they went for a timeskip ending with something so out of the blue....I really hope there are some sort of extras or epilogue-type thing....
It's honestly really sad to me the mangaka seemed to kind of give up on this, either because of all the family health issues it seemed were going on or whatever other reason. There were so many chapters of first year, like none for second year, and a very rushed 3rd year -> college -> timeskip ending. I also really wished we could have seen more of the characters that got introduced in the last like 2 chapters, they were fun for additions so late in the ending of the story.
It was a good ride, I just really wish there was more of it.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 20, 2018
Probably because I was satisfied with what we got out of Aki and weren't interested in anything specific happening, I found this final chapter very satisfying and uplifting, even reading it isolated. I do not remember what the previous chapter was like lol.
If you wanted to see Hachiken in married life, managing his business, then yeah it's kinda hmm, but the point wasn't a guy making bank and getting hitched. It was about being ambitious and daring to dream. So even if individually a lot of people might want more, I think as far as the writing goes, it was well done. For the rest, turn to fandom :'D

I still can't believe I was disappointed when I read chapter 1 of Silver Spoon when it first started running. And now I'm going away with feelings that I'll read and enjoy anything Arakawa writes ♥
Jan 15, 2019
Kill me I love this work more than Full Metal Alchemist, and that's not to say I didn't adore FMA!!! There's an overall feeling of grounding and hope, this heartwarming mix of idealism and pragmatic choices, it feels like a soul balm. This is the ultimate feelgood read to me.

Edit: yup, I would've liked a slower paced ending too, if only to reflect the general pacing of this work. It doesn't feel put together haphazardly tho, it's consistent both to our expectations on the characters' happiness, and to their realistic growth.
Jan 18, 2018
This ending is a non-ending for me. it doesn't really wrap anything up, and a lot of the story felt rushed at the end, and then it just sort of dropped on the ground.
Aggregator gang
Jan 23, 2018
I feel like the ending could have been built up more, but the real ending was the previous part, this chapter is more of an epilogue. And it's not a happily ever after, but it's more like... once you grow up you still have problems and questions about how to live your life, but if you decide on a dream those problems and questions will be easier to solve. In theory! I really love the overall message of Silver Spoon and I can't wait to see what sensei writes next.
Jan 24, 2018
What a great manga. Even with all the real life troubles she had to face towards the end of its run, Arakawa was able to wrap it up nicely and convey its message in a full and satisfying way. These characters were all alive, and it's sad to say goodbye to them, but at the same time seeing them still struggling and thinking about the future until the very end is almost relieving, as it's a promise that their weird, boring and adventurous lives will continue even without us peeking on them.

Also, Hachiken on his way to become a (mostly negative) urban legend in the school, as it properly fits him. That was a satisfying ending to me.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 6, 2019
@urudurin i feel the same, there was some serious time-skipping in the middle, i mean, one chapter they end up 1st year and he's talking about moving out and yadda yadda, a couple chapters after they're suddenly 3rd years, WTF?!?!, what happened to the 2nd year, it's barely mentioned or barely shown(and i've just binged this from ch1 so it's not like i forgot something) at all suddenly they're on the final months of 3rd year and all the interesting hijinks in the school disappear
Also ending with everyone getting together and not even with Aki and him together in the same scene is.. shitty.

@SoundSpark indeed the final chapter dfeels hollow as i've said before

@ThrystaVindr my sentiments exactly, it seems that i'm not the only one that noticed that 2nd year got timeskipped hard, and i dunno the beginning has all that part about the agricultural world and techniques and all that and then it turns into a business manga and seems that the technical part vanishes :/

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