There was art request session on Hano's twitch and one of the requests included the art of Ritsu and Uta with their baby. Hano started with a sketch but very soon dropped the idea due to various reasons. Mostly due limited time, but there was also another request of art with Ritsu and Ami getting alternate happy end. As Hano started drawing those, she ended having them side by side and eventually decided stop, because it "felt wrong", leaving those ideas possibly for another time. All she managed to draw is this:
(Ami happy end is left, Uta's baby end is right).
Anyway regarding Ritsu's and Uta's baby, according to Hano, at this point it's just her dream idea, so nothing guaranteed to happen, but baby's name could be possibly "Kanade" following music naming pattern that Ritsu's and Uta's own names have.