Siscon Ani to Brocon Imouto ga Shoujiki ni Nattara - Vol. 4 Ch. 47 - When I Want A Future With You

Dex-chan lover
Jun 30, 2018
@Nick86 I remember someone saying the author had to put the "real" end to Oreimo on their own site after it ended because they just weren't allowed to do what they really wanted to with it in the published format. I did not spend even one second looking into that at all though so I dunno if it's even true. All I can say is that the sister in that series is currently my least favorite character in the entirety of Crossing Void, because I never liked her and never will.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 18, 2018
@Glomoro yeah there is an after story for Oreimo where
although not made 100% explicit, it's heavily hinted Kirino and Kyosuke are dating and even having sex in secret.
For this manga, I think in the end father realized he couldn't really do anything, even if he tried to separate the siblings in one or two years they are go I g to be both adults and they will simply leave home. At this point, even if he doesn't approve their relationship, better at least make sure they won't have a miserable future life and that they can still count on their family if they'll ever need so.
I don't think this series was axed, to me it simply reached it's natural conclusion. The drama was solved quickly but this manga has never been about drama from the beginning so it's fine this way. I hope for a glimpse of Ritsu's and Uta's future "married" life in the last chapter.
Mar 10, 2018
@Glomoro - Yes, Oreimo author was forced to change the ending to accomodate the publisher etiquette, and it was very sad and painfull to read, hopefully seems not the case here since there is only 1 chapter left.

I don't think this manga was axed too, seems it reach the normal peak, drag the story further with unnecessary drama or side stories will only decrease the overall quality, better to go straight to the point. 😀
Dex-chan lover
Aug 11, 2018
@Lex79 exactly my thoughts. Him giving Ritsu the cold shoulder for a year + not accepting their relationship is the most natural thing in the world.
Glad author keeped his reaction real instead of the usual “oh, ok” we see in other types of manga.
In the end, nothing much he can do...when both will be able to find another house, he’ll be powerless. Everything he could have done to stop this...well, probably is NOT suited for a fluffy manga.

Sad that it’s going to end, at least I hope it will be a longer chapter which shows everything: Uta’s graduation, when they are at work, moving together, what their friends are up to, and a timeskip where we see their “married” life.
Dex-chan lover
May 10, 2018
I did not read the Oreimo original. Just some spin-off doujins. :> Kuroneko >>>> sister
I hope the MC there chose Kuroneko in the end.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 31, 2018
I hope we still get to see some fluffy couple moments after this. Maybe in an epilogue. "4 pages" would be nice too.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 18, 2018
@twinklecake why this should be an axe? Not every manga needs to be 200 chapters long, and this series has always been about fluff, with problems and misunderstandings solved quickly.
Dex-chan lover
Sep 10, 2018
@Lex79 Except all of a sudden all of the usual fluff has been dropped and replaced with an extremely rushed drama plot designed to bring the story to an end asap. This is neither the usual pace, nor is it an acceptable one.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 18, 2018
I don't see things that way. I mean, we knew from the beginning that sooner or later their relationship would have been exposed and reactions from family and friends would have to be addressed. Given the tone of the story, I don't feel this arc too rushed, I actually prefer this than having Ritsu kicked out his house, the siblings forcibly separated ecc. There could have been more fluff before and after this arc, yes, but for me what we got is satisfying enough.
Apr 19, 2018
Sad to see it's over, only 1 chapter left. And I HATE timeskips, it's just lazy writing, but at least it's getting a good end.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 22, 2019
Well..... I think this is enough for character building between those siblings, but the time jump is not a good move I think. Even so, dragging it too long like Kiss x Sis is also the worst choice.

So it's a fair move from author-sensei as long as it keeps the wincest route
Oct 31, 2019
wow, I'm so disappointed. the author ended all dramas in one chapter, even put a timeskip here, guess he simply wanted to provide us weekly dose of incest fluff, and had rather no idea for a more serious plot

not getting my hopes up for next chapter, we'll most likely get timeskip to them being adults (nisekoi vibes) too bad it ends like this, i really got into it
Apr 21, 2018
Yeah....I don't understand why the author decided to bring up the seroius part of incest. I think it's hard to build up the drama with how many pages the author draw per chapter, he/she needs way more pages than ussual imo. It ended up being really shallow.

If you want manga that talk about sibling incest seriously, go read Koi Kaze or Saraba Yoki Hi.
Mar 14, 2018
The family drama is only there because it basically has to be, yeah it feels rushed but it had to be addressed at some point.

And I kinda like how it was handled, the father doesn't accept it but he doesn't want to make his children hate him and push them away splitting up the family, so the most he can do is congratulate him on his hard work.

The manga has been feeling a bit rushed for a while but it doesn't need to be dragged out.
Mar 20, 2019
Appreciate to make the father still stand on his opinion. That's normal, where in the world a father accept that kind of relationship.

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