@Beercon Hey there, sorry for the late reply — Genshin Impact still has its claws in me. Thanks for the compliments!
I've had a couple people ask about a Discord server, but I don't really spend much time on Disc — I pretty much only hop on there when my friends want to play a game together (though we do that almost daily). Besides that, I feel like I'm too unimportant for anyone to bother joining, though I know it's not too big a deal to join a Disc server. I've also been spending some time in the ACE SCANS server lately since I've been doing joints with them, and it's kind of dead in there besides staff xD, so yeah, that kind of makes me feel like it's not something that's really necessary.
Wellp, apologies for being long-winded as I tend to be. I appreciate you taking the time to drop by!