So I'm a Spider, So What? - Vol. 10 Ch. 49.1

Aug 20, 2020
In the WN she was just a spider with some memories of a classmate. I've no idea about hating the elves as I don't think that was in the WN, but I guess it's like Porg said before, they probably got that by eating mother's soul.
Fed-Kun's army
Feb 3, 2020
@WhimsiCat thanks for the reminder!
I vaguely remember the elves’ deeds... something about a barrier? Well since my memory is fuzzy I’ll just let the manga unpleasantly surprise me
Feb 15, 2018
There's too much to name them all. it's roughly 2+ books worth of rewrites. It's basically the same, but also completely different.
Active member
Apr 23, 2020
Web Novel ch. ~50 (or so idk)
These elves are operating on the orders of Potimas, the elven hegemon. They have been receiving information from the reincarnation of the class's teacher. This was going to be her first year of teaching I believe, and she wants to be an excellent teacher. She is something of an otaku, and so the fact that she reincarnated was not as heavy hitting as it could have been. So, when she becomes fully aware of the situation, she realizes she has a skill that allows her to investigate the current whereabouts of her students. Then, using some of the 10,000 or so skill points that she has, she acquires a skill that allows her to communicate with her father, Potimas. Potimas, who has noticed that this baby is acting somewhat weirdly, listens to the teacher and decides to assist her in securing the students, for the best interest of their well being.
Web Novel ch. ~250 (or so idk)
Over the years, the elves have been able to safely secure the vast majority of the reincarnated students. Their they have been kept mostly in isolation, as the elves, although willing to "save" them, are not willing to interact with those who they view as inferior. This includes half-elves, ect. As a result, the reincarnated students who were "rescued" were basically in a prison camp, unable to fully enjoy their lives. Additionally, they are prevented from becoming stronger, as the elves believe that skills are a dangerous thing, and only a few individuals are allowed to wield them, the teacher being one such individual. Additionally, as the only person who knows the specific details of the reincarnated students, she is allowed to travel outside the elven village, which is protected by a massive super strong forcefield. While outside, the village, she leads a life not too un-similar to most isekais. Since there are some students who the elves were unable to "rescue" thanks to the nature of their birth, she eventually goes to a royal academy to learn more about the world along side the "un-rescuable" students. As a result, she is mostly unaware of the feelings of the "rescued" students, and earnestly believes she is doing the right thing. For the record, although she is somewhat ignorant of the entire situation, the puts her life on the line when someone challenges her goal of saving all the students.
Warning, although it might not seem like much, there is a major info dump that occurs, read at your own risk
ch. ~300 (or so idk)
The species if elves are a lie, so are demon, so are spiders, so are goblins. Although this statement is true for all species as they are all technically subspecies of humans, it is more true for elves, as almost without exception, they posses no free will. The reason for this is that Potimas, who basically caused every single bad thing to happen, save for one dick move, was able to hijack the System, and force his will on newborn elves. Now, who would win: A 200 iq genius who has been alive for thousands of years, or some newborn baby? Obviously Potimas will prevail. He was not able to completely prevail over the reincarnation of the teacher, which is how he noticed that she was different, but he was able to implant a piece of his soul onto hers. This would affect her thinking until she almost killed herself while trying to protect one of her students from another student who had an ego the size of the moon. She almost killed herself by forcefully deleting problematic skills and power from the ego-ed student, and as a result of directly interfering with the system, she similarly lost some skills, and would have died if it were not for the silent actions of an administrator. After this incident, the administrator deleted/removed Potimas's soul implant from the teacher, and applied some type of spiritual protection on her. Getting back to the soul hijacking, by implanting his soul into all newborn elves, Potimas can at will take over the actions of any and all elves whenever he needs to. For the most part, he leave them alone, and they live their lives as normally as can be. By the way, this method of soul implantation does not really work on non-elvish beings, which is why the elves kick any non-elvish being outside their village. Oh, and that really strong barrier shield I mentioned? It is a non-system magical barrier that was based on the true dragons. True dragons are similar to administrators, and indeed, the main administrator for this world, the man clad in black, is a true dragon himself. They all have a magical barrier that nullifies any and all magic that touches it. The barriers use a special type of energy to function, and it is a drought in this special energy that causes the world to go to shit. As you can guess by my previous statement, Potimas is the main cause of this drought of energy. If a planet runs out of this energy, life is not sustainable, and everything basically dies, so a drought is a pretty big deal. In order to stop the drought, the true dragons, save one, unanimously decide to invade the area of earth that humans occupy and genocide them all. Unfortunately, there is a third player, and the war stalemates. Rather than suffer needless casualties, the dragons abscond with the remaining energy, plunging the world into hyper crysis. I'm tired of writing, so I'll end it here: FUCK POTIMAS, Fuck True Dragons, and fuck elves, 'cept for the teacher.
Fed-Kun's army
Apr 22, 2020
Why doesn't the main body know the situation with elves?

I thought all the parallel wills experienced the "Revelation" at Taboo lv 10
Aug 16, 2020
i mean at least shes trying to understand the language, which is a step forward. not just that but shes probably got the situation relatively figured out too
Sep 6, 2019
@YuriIsTooLewd Space Elves?

Aug 20, 2020
I went back and in ch 46.1 she does have Taboo lv 10, so she should know everything, and that includes many info about the elves. She should hate them too. It's strange she doesn't.

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