So I'm a Spider, So What? - Vol. 10 Ch. 50.2

Active member
Jan 14, 2021
@Nick86 she just doesnt want her students killing eachother, hell she doesnt want any of them actually taking part in any hostilities in this world regardless of affiliation, she gets disturbed when she learns about who Kumo and Vampire girl are actually...well so does most of the class
Dex-chan lover
Feb 5, 2018
You know, showing stuff from a PoV isn't "skipping context" at all. If Kumoko can't know it at this point, it's totally fine to not show it.
Active member
Jun 24, 2018
You should read the LN not the WN.
Shun chapters are a bit boring but the usual bad translation of the WN also didn't helped.

In my opinion Shun chapters are a bit more enjoyable in the LN mostly due to the new character Fei (the purple dragon from the anime). Also in average Shun chapters are only 2 pages long.
Fed-Kun's army
Mar 16, 2019
@ShaiHH I guess those who read the LN first wanted the manga to be it's exact copy. They won't consider the fact that the mangaka wanted to do a diff route by Kumoko only POV.
I don't mind how the manga was done. I mean the title is referring to Kumoko so it makes sense that it's mostly told from her POV. These guys need to chill lmao
Mar 10, 2018
@Ghekor - Yes but this is another narrative convenience trope, infact demon girl now approach him, well, you can imagine the rest and why you shouldn't never allow evil and irrecoverable characters live. 😂
Active member
Jan 14, 2021
@Nick86 pretty sure that was Vampire girl tho and i think it was on Shiros orders since she was the one who saw to use him after he got stripped of power for her own fun, but anyway he got what he deserved
Active member
Jun 24, 2018
About the last anime episode
Exactly what good would killing Hugo have done?

Oka is the elf princess, so the situation would end in the elf princess killing the crown prince of the empire in the territory of a third kingdom.
Not only this is pure war material but the Empire could easily blame Analeit Kingdom (Shun's country) too.
Right now with Hugo alive Analeit has the high ground on this situation.

Also, why is everyone thinking that Hugo will just go away without punishment? He can easily be disinherited in the moment he return home.
Right now he's in house arrest meanwhile Analeit and Rexandt decide how to proceed with the situation.

Then you have Oka. She clearly didn't wanted to kill Hugo, she has been doing everything in her power to find all her former students. She thought that de-powering Hugo and the punishment he was going to get from his father would be enough.
Obviously all if this went through the window because the Demon Girl appeared.
Mar 10, 2018
@Ghekor - Ah, you mean the girls who appear at the end of episode 7? No idea, i'm not a LN reader, i'm following only the anime and the manga, sorry about this. But if was her this make no sense, she is under Kumoko right? Why Kunmoko should give power to such a scum?
Mar 10, 2018
@linkhuesitos15 - Well, Hugo tried to kill the dude with the dragon girl (sorry didn't remember the name of such clichè side characters), he was saved because teacher stop him at the last second and remove all his skills. And Hugo is clear evil and a true menace, such characters should be eradicated and not leave alone so they can gain more power and back to do evil things like before. This is just for narrative purpose, but such kind of villains are really boring and overused. Just my 2 cents.
Active member
Jan 14, 2021
@Nick86 sorry for slight spoil there then, but yeah vamp girl is the one from last ep, Shiro(White) is the white hair girl we see with the Demon Lord in the previous ep...also they changed that scene from the LN for some reason idk why, it wasnt the Demon Lord that scared the white spider in the cave it was Shiro who did so, hope if they are gonna properly adapt the work that they explain these things in the future cus the anime looks really weird atm with this back and forth
Mar 10, 2018
@Ghekor - Isn't vampire girl under Kumoko orders or i miss something? She raise her for what i gather here in the previous chapters. Why Kumoko try to give power to such a scum dude? Make no sense to me if this is the case, but again, i'm not a light novel reader so maybe i miss the whole picture but if this is the case then indeed such side stories make more sense now.
Dex-chan lover
Nov 7, 2018
He wants to forcefully waifu Kumoko? You can fault his methods, but his ambition is admirable.


Active member
Jul 2, 2019
@linkhuesitos15 It's possible you're referencing the WN, which would explain why you don't know what you're talking about.

- Kumoko was able to understand the evil dude full sentence.
Nope. The official translation is: 'I still don't fully understand the language here, so there were some parts that went over my head, but mostly he was just being snooty and saying stuff like, 'You are my pet now! Obey me!"' She can understand basic conversations, though.
- When the evil dude send his men to capture Kumoko she was inside a cocoon made of threads. Kumoko said that even if the nearby monsters were weak she would never sleeo out in the wild like an idiot.
Kumoko doesn't need sleep. Her living arrangements in the forest aren't described in the LN. The noble is able to find her in the forest and she sits in a tree staring at him. All we get about the folks sent to capture her is that they attacked her so she killed them.
- Yes, she ate the corpses.
..She eats them in the manga too. 48.2 page 15, note the chewing spider in the bottom left.

Evil guy is an emassador from Ohts Kingdom.
The adventurer group Kumoko met 2 chapters before went spreading the rumours that The Nightmare of the Labyrinth was healing people in Sariella (Did we know the country name? Nah ofc not, the manga doesn't care about any context).
Ohts wasn't happy because the Nightmare destroyed one of their forts and killed every single soldier inside it, so they want it to repay for the damages by bringing the Nightmare to it's country to heal their people.

Kumoko doesn't refer to the place by the country name until after killing the ambassador. The next chapter would summarize most of this stuff if it follows the LN. Otherwise you only see it in other perspectives.

Wait! Why does the attacking army have 2 flags?
Meh I'll just kill both sides to be sure.

That doesn't happen in the LN either. She focuses on Ohts exclusively. At best the other army would've suffered losses from the demon lord.
Active member
Jan 14, 2021
@Nick86 Shiro is
on Demon Lords side so, that mind broken prince is the perfect pawn to raise some hell in the human lands so thats why she sent Vamp girl to assist him for a while till they saw no further use for him

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