So I'm a Spider, So What? - Vol. 9 Ch. 42.2

Jan 19, 2018
Of course god is a teenage girl from Japan.

And wait, if her devolutions never survived long enough to evolve into that, how is she going to become an Arachne? Like, I know she WILL, but if nothing's actually made it to her current evolution, where will she go from there? Because apparently other Arachnes existed at some point, probably? Is Arachne just an archetype that any spider can evolve into?

Hm, not sure how I feel about Kumoko just having been a random spider that got human memories. I'm going to need a lot more context before I can tell. Right now it's "I'm a little shocked, but it seems out of nowhere"
Dex-chan lover
Mar 13, 2018
@AbyssalMonkey The whole I am doing this for "entertainment" manga cliche is not only repetitive but also very stupid. It's a standard cop out for writers that cannot come up with a reasonable motivation and characterisation. Ultimately it's a weak, overused and stupid motivation that is most often unproportionate to the effort required from the character.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2018
@Ceiye She learned about Arachne thanks to one of her skills which shows her the Evolution Tree, I think it was Wisdom.
And for your Spoiler.
... it's not exactly "Human" memories she got.
Fed-Kun's army
Dec 7, 2018
Any spider capable of reaching level 50 can evolve into an arachne as long as they have the Pride skill and are small or medium sized. By evolving the way she is she is capping out her evolution tree before going for arachne, which theoretically makes her stronger when she becomes an arachne. The requirements are still so restrictive that there are no arachne in existence.
Jan 19, 2018
The plot exposition is just a bunch of jibberish gobbly goop that no one cares about.
We all just want our cute spider doing cute spider things.

Nai waaaa~~
Dex-chan lover
May 20, 2018
You missed the point abyssalmonkey was making, D was lying when she said that, she just didn't feel like explaining.

after potimas first used the the energy as a weapon the dragons took most of the energy and THEY left the planet, without magic energy humanity had no way of making ships that COULD reach another world, rocket ships just could not lift enough. Also it wasn't earth, there was no Mars to go, to so interstellar was the only hope of finding a good enough planet.
Fed-Kun's army
Feb 20, 2018
eh, perhaps shouldnt have read it, but I supposed as much for D at least.
Though I expected Kumoko to be another human, just a gamer almost shut-in (well, she would have to be in class).
the fact that parallel thoughts are using a "cheat admin type skill" with the mind attack, did made me wonder if D screwed up when making the memory system and part of her memory spewed out and gained sentience. But I guess it was intentional, huh?
Dex-chan lover
Aug 12, 2018
@criver Just because she's entertaining doesn't mean that's genuinely the reason, just a bonus.
I haven't read the source material but I'm sure the people talking about there being a real reason do know it.
Oct 18, 2018
@criver if you think that's D's true motive, that's pretty shallow thinking. Why are you taking her words at face value?
Dex-chan lover
Mar 13, 2018
@Fari There are no such people that have replied to me. The first commenter cited the fact that she's entertaining, the second asserted that I had misunderstood the first one - possibly because they didn't read what was in the spoiler tags. I would be happy to be proven wrong in my expectation that she is the typical one-dimensional villain whose whole character and motivations revolve around "entertainment". Ironically these kinds of character are not entertaining to read about, nor are they realistic. At the same time they are commonplace in manga, since they allow for an easy cop out for lazy/novice writers.

Because a commenter that has supposedly read ahead stated it is - see the previous replies and you'll find it.
Oct 18, 2018
I see, I've read the source and LNs as well, but D's actual motive and powers are still a total mystery.

We know what her Goddess classification and job are, but for the purpose of what she's doing? Still a mystery. All we really know is that she's bored since she's likely
the first God.
I wouldn't trust her words, ever.

For all intents and purposes, the reason D is paying so much attention to Kumoko is likely to see
if she can make a new God using her own soul within the boundaries of the System she made.
This chapter has major foreshadowing.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 13, 2018
Both of those fall under the "I'm bored, I need entertainment" category of motivations - I explained why I dislike those. It's unfortunate, but I'm not expecting that the mysterious motives will turn out to be anything else than what she already said, simply off my experience with manga incorporating that trope.
Oct 18, 2018
D is hardly a central character in any form, anyway, so her motives, if any, barely contribute to the overall story. 90% of the cast hasn't even been introduced yet, so I would look forward to those. If you're disappointed with D, I don't think you'll be disappointed with the rest.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 16, 2018
"I got ultimate power over my classmates so I'll watch them like ants in a tank"


what a dick
Fed-Kun's army
Mar 5, 2019
depends on how its done.
"I let you live for one reason only, its entertaining. You don't even classify as a threat, you are more like a cute puppy who does silly thing, I could watch that all day and be satisfied. Now run along, trip on your forefoot and boop your snootle on the ground, get up and shake it off for me, I want my daily cuteness level attained so I can go and do big boy things"

It's not that its a poor, 1 dimensional character, it's that you can't imagine a life where you have every single want or need you ever had fulfilled and you are perpetually board because you have nothing else to do. You also live in a world where you turn on the internet and see a manga about a spider and think it's interesting, meanwhile, and not with this manga exactly, in a fantasy world you don't have the same options for entertainment.

Now this is my understanding so It may be wrong or off base completely.
earth is at the ass edge of being escapable with even out current tech, now making the earth into a battery, that's not exactly hard, we CAN do it now, however we have far easier lower hanging fruit then an earth battery.

Now once a civilization becomes space fairing, they no longer have the need or want for planets, as asteroids will provide as much if not more in more manageable forms then a planet would. It's more likely the moment you truly become space faring that you would instead devote time and resources into making a dyson sphere/s then you would anything else, just due to how much energy it is, how much their is of it, and everything that having that level of stupid amounts of energy entails. let's put it this way, as far out as we are from the sun, we get such a stupid amount of energy from it, that the obvious answer is why not harvest it directly from source?

It also makes sense because every time she tried to remember herself or old self, or when it was brought up, it never went anywhere.

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