Sokushi Cheat ga Saikyou Sugite, Isekai no Yatsura ga Marude Aite ni Naranai n desu ga


Jan 18, 2018
Yes, but if we never made stories with similar protagonists then most romcoms and classical hero stories wouldn't exist
Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2018
I'm interested in seeing where this goes, but the art needs work and the MCs morality can't make up its mind.
Group Leader
Jan 29, 2018
Wasn't he supposed to detect killing intent? If the sage aimed just a bit better, the manga would be over. Seems dumb.
Dex-chan lover
Jul 28, 2018
I guess for new readers of this series, just to let you know before reading the plot is entirely focused around the fact the protag's ability is instant death.
So its a series that might drag on without a real goal, but a solvable conflict every chapter sort of thing.

A lot of seemingly random elements are added into the series, due to fact that the world the story takes place in is a mesh of a different things blending together-
without much explanation besides that it is a fantasy story and japanese people/sages are transported into this world like its an everyday happenstance.

Like many Isekai stories, their characters fit a mold, but if you like power fantasy stories and watching villians die instantly without much else happening then this is for you.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2018
It will turn out the "sages" are the scumbags and the "demons"/"aggressors" are actually the good guys isn't it.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2018
@Carnage Outside of killing anything/anyone that threatens them or gets in their way, I'm not seeing the consistency.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2018
@Carnage Sorry if my phrasing was off. When I said: "the MCs morality can't make up its mind.", I meant his morality is inconsistent, and when I said: "Outside of killing anything/anyone that threatens them or gets in their way.", I was clarifying that apart from killing to remove obstacles and survive, the logic by which his moral compass operates was inconsistent.
Group Leader
Feb 7, 2018
Which is what I've been asking; what are those inconsistencies, exactly?
I'm honestly not sure.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2018
@Carnage Oh, when you said "could you be more specific", I didn't realize you wanted me to detail specific moments in the manga to support my claim, I'll just paste a bunch of pages, cause I really don't feel like turning my opinion into an essay.

First, so there's no more confusion, let's establish the two definitions of the word morals according to google:

1. a lesson, especially one concerning what is right or prudent, that can be derived from a story, a piece of information, or an experience.

2. a person's standards of behavior or beliefs concerning what is and is not acceptable for them to do.

Here are the pages:


My view of it:

It seems like conditions are added to his moral compass on a whim, don't get me wrong, his character itself is consistent asf, but what he claims and what does he are in constant conflict, not that it's a bad thing, I happen to love selfish MCs that just do what they want regardless.
Group Leader
Feb 7, 2018
Eh the examples you posted are kind of a mixed bag. Some don't really have much to do with morality at all. His decision to protect her is based on a simple whim, for example.
The others are actually really consistent. It's a really simple and straightforward: "You try to do me harm; I will do you harm."
Most of his actions appear to be based on that principle. And I really don't see the inconsistency.
Nor do I feel like there are really any conditions being added to his moral compass. I'd rather say it's being gradually... unearthed, I guess.
I mean, the alternative to that would be to explain his entire character in a shitty infodump. And that's no fun. /o/
Also, it kind of feels like the author is using the two mains as a way to comment on the isekai genre in general.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2018
Hence why I prefaced this by saying "Outside of killing anything/anyone that threatens them or gets in their way."
It's only chapter 5 so we're slowly learning more about the MC.
I agree completely (I just got done explaining to someone else why giant info dumps are a horrible horrible way to start something off).
It's giving off a light deconstruction/satire vibe to me as well.
Group Leader
Feb 7, 2018
Well, I could tell you the same, really. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
It's a non-response.

Hence why I prefaced this by saying "Outside of killing anything/anyone that threatens them or gets in their way."
Yeah, but if you remove that you're basically removing everything that actually has to do with any of his demonstrated moral principles.
There isn't really anything else.

Again, goes both ways.
You're saying there is an inconsistency. And I'm asking where. But you can't seem to properly define it.
To begin with, if you already removed his logic on killing from the equation, there is nothing else left. Everything else is just derived from that.
Beyond that is only a big chunk of yet undefined space.

It's only chapter 5 so we're slowly learning more about the MC.
Well, yeah. I mean, I'm not sure if that was a rebuttal or anything (it might not be, in which case this was redundant), but that was my response to you saying that attributes are being arbitrarily added to his moral system.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2018

When I said subjective, I was acknowledging that we have different viewpoints on the topic and that further debate in that area would be pointless.

We're gonna have to agree to disagree here as well, I think somethings there, you don't.

I was agreeing with you on learning more about the MC as the manga progresses, but maintaining my position on moral conditions being added.

Thanks for the honest discourse BTW
Group Leader
Feb 7, 2018
You know, it's not like I'm trying to actually fight you or be right or anything like that. I'm not interested in an argument.
But the way I see it, either I'm missing something or you're misinterpreting something.
And I'm honestly rather curious about either.
But you haven't really been able to clearly define what you're talking about, or are referencing in particular. Because of which I can't help but guess that the latter is probably more likely.
Honestly, the only things that I could even imagine as coming across as inconsistent are things that merely take a more roundabout way back, but still make no actual leaps.
So what exactly is it that gives you that impression? Could you conceptualize it?

Well, and... yeah, of course more is being added (though the word I used was 'unearthed'). But the relevant point lies in the distinction between whether it's inconsistent or not.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2018

Of course not, this has been an honest discourse.

This is one of those conversations where neither party is right or wrong because the entire thing is based on a subjective viewpoint, we're both looking at the same thing and seeing something completely different, so you aren't missing something and neither of us is misinterpreting anything.

I posted the pages that gave me the impression his morality was inconsistent, I'm too lazy to make an Essay on this.

For me to help you acknowledge my subjective view as a valid but not necessarily correct interpretation would require that we establish a rock-solid definition for each word used and slowly sift through the material via a comb of semantics, and that sounds like mental torture to me, I'd much rather chalk this up to a fun disagreement and send you a friend request in the future :D
Group Leader
Feb 7, 2018
Well, the main reason I said that was because I figured I maaaaay be coming across as a little pushy. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

And, uh, that's technically incorrect. I mean, sure, our observations may be subjective, but our observations are still based on an objective reality.
Viewpoints don't simply appear out of nothing. They're still based on something.

And that's kind of pointless, actually. Like, a mere picture just leaves far too much room for interpretation. If that weren't the case we wouldn't be having this discussion to begin with. /o/

Also, I'm not even sure if that method would actually leave us with meaningful results. Like you kind of insinuated there, it would most likely end with us arguing over semantics, and at best come to a compromise out of frustration. And I rather doubt that compromise would end up being a meaningful approximation of the actual truth.

It's actually much simpler: All I'd really need is for you to properly conceptualize what exactly it is you're looking at when you mention inconsistencies.
Then, using abstraction, I would at least have the theoretical means of deciphering why you define your observation the way you do.
Also, solving problems using abstraction is a pretty good way to train you cognitive abilities. \o\

And eh, I guess I'll take it.
It's free anyway. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

'Nother thing: I'm actually slightly buzzed while writing this, so I'm not perfectly confident in how functional my phrasing is.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2018
@Carnage Nah, you weren't pushy, you just wanted a satisfactory and fulfilling conclusion and so did I.

My point was that once objective reality has been perceived by a person a lot of it will become subjective in their mind whether they like it or not, I mean obviously we can both agree that we saw what we saw, but when we try to agree on its meaning is where things tend to get muddy.

Fiction, in general, is art, so my best advice would be to get used to the clusterfuck of interpretations. I mean, If we were talking about something like engineering where objective reality was the name of the game then I would agree wholeheartedly.

The only way we could achieve "the true true" would be if the author/artist told us, and even then the word of god is debatable with art. The truth is a very nebulous concept with things like art, unlike science.

I did with the pages and your interpretation differed. Abstract reasoning was the highest score on my IQ & Aptitude test, so no worries there.

Why thank you.

Everyone needs their juice~

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