Solo Leveling

Mar 15, 2018
Ugh, the more I read and the more I think this is shit.

Massive spoilers so you've been warned:
First off, the complete arrogance is so off putting and its entirely undeserved. He acts like god's gift and this is coming from the "weakest E-rank" that was scoffed at by stronger hunters, but now that he sits at the top, he acts like a condescending twat. Awesome character development.

Second, no matter what he does or how he acts, no one second guesses him (for long) or even holds him responsible. In one situation, he rushes into a gate that he knows is a double gate, but instead of warning the people to stay the fuck out, he literally gives no info other than its dangerous inside and proceeds to enter. He encounters the current guild inside the gate, gets them to leave by saving them from imminent death and so of course, they proceed to get reinforcements. The reinforcements enter, half of them die and all because he couldn't say "stay the fuck out" when he should have known they would call for reinforcements and that those reinforcements would be lambs to the slaughter. Again, another incident where he could have avoided things going south but instead, the author decided to create tension by killing off nameless characters to make it seem like it was a dire situation when it never was to begin with, not for the MC anyways. But hey, at least he saved Lois Lane, right?

Third, he's fucking dumb. A bunch of huge ass gates open signaling the end of the world and he's the only one who knows why. So for several days, instead of telling anyone, he lets the world fucking burn... fucking seriously. People are rioting and shit which any idiot would expect from end of the world level shit, but this dumb cunt takes a vaca. So, he finally holds a conference to tell everyone and when people question him, he responds like a total bitch "believe it or not, I don't care" as if everyone should take his word for it... Because only a handful of people know him, he's shown a freakishly odd number of powers that no other hunter possesses, can speak to monsters and somehow, this is supposed to assuage all fears. Oh, right, he then scares the guy who asked the question into submissions which goes all the way back to the first point, he's an dumb asshole. When the gates finally do open, he's at the wrong one and instead of using his teleport (yes, he has this ability), he makes a casual call so build up tension. He could just as easily teleport to find out, but that would take away the build up and unnecessary drama, drama that can't be created when your MC steamrolls everything anyways.

Fourth, absolute shitty payoffs. For fucking 200 chapters, we get teased about his dad. Do you know what it amounts to? 1 minor appearance before he dies. Yes, he does save the MC, but its so anti-climactic, it was an absolute waste of the build up and we didn't even get to see anything out of him. Honestly, the entire story is that way. Early on, there was a thing about a slasher killing women, it's teased in a couple of chapters, but all it amounts to is the MC saving some random woman and then scaring the slasher to surrendering to the police.

In all, I'd rate this along with Im-Dal Young (author of freezing) as a palatable work, but mostly because of the art and nothing more. The story itself is just another isekai and the only reason it doesn't classify as an isekai is that they never "leave" their world and only enter dungeons, but gates are just portals to other worlds/dimensions so essentially they're one and the same. And like all isekai, the MC is given cheat level powers, is a total arrogant cunt and saves the world while pretending to not care so in other words, its as generic as fuck but damn the art/fight sequences are good.
Feb 14, 2019
@Christopher I'm glad to see someone else gets it. I cannot fathom why this series is so popular. It's pretty poorly written and a super generic power fantasy through and through. There's no tension in the series because literally nothing is truly ever a threat to the MC and anything that looks like it could be just gets some random new ability thrown at it or last second asspull to trivialize the threat. It's boring.

The art is great, that's about it.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 19, 2018
@Christopher welcome to literary hell where 80ish percent of everything you read in your lifetime will probably fall in the flaming pile of shit column.
Jan 28, 2019
I do agree that the ending was shit, however the novel itself was quite popular in Korea that lead to creation of this manhwa.
Active member
Apr 6, 2018
@unknownfactor My absolute biggest issue with this series, and why I rate it so poorly, is the complete inconsistency in the MC's personality. He's a completely different person even just a few dozen chapters into this manhwa, and that really, really, really annoyed me. It was a negative character trait with absolutely none of the positives. And this shit is one the reasons why I avoid most Korean manhwas to begin with. This and poorly written sociopath characters. Maybe I just have a very good bullshit meter, or maybe I'm completely missing something about Korean society that would explain all of this.
Jan 28, 2019
@DizzyMiko you have to factor in the adaptation or things he went through. You can notice that he does keep close ties with people whom he really cares for meanwhile significantly not caring about others that's not close to him whatsoever. It is true that the story doesn't explain why he takes certain actions or etc but there's somewhat a meaning behind it. Reading the Novel might help a bit because it does explain a little more in detail.

Such as him saving Yoo Jin-ho father from going into Eternal Sleep or him traveling back in time before Go-Gun Hee died by Ice Monarch or other significant people dying.
Mar 15, 2018
Naw, it's not even that, his character just does a complete 180. Here is a guy who was at the bottom of the rankings as the weakest who during the double gate incident clearly showed his compassion for people by sacrificing himself to save everyone else, but once he gets his power, it's the exact opposite. He doesn't care about anyone unless its relevant to his interests and even worse, he looks down on people using his strength to intimidate them.

Complaint #2:
Entire story is so unrealistic. While I do get it's fiction and that hunters, gates and monsters are all unrealistic by their very nature, but that's not really the most unrealistic part; it's the people. The way people act, their responses, the way they formed associations, etc. are not even close to how any reasonable person would react given these situations. Yes, it is fiction, but the thing is that humans even in fiction are still human and are governed by the same rules as reality otherwise the stories are unrelateable and generally, just plain trash.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 24, 2018
To whoever is redoing the series. Since you say you don't care about JB's translations. So what.

Do care about this. PNG is a bad format for COLOR. The files grow larger because of it. PNG
is great format for BLACK and White (2 color). It will compact smaller than JPG any day or time.

Stick to JPG for Solo Leveling. Since this is an all COLOR release.
Jul 8, 2018
i thought chapter 86 was going to be released on 26.09? Did the author/artist recover earlier than expected?

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