Why does this have a 9.33? Because everyone thinks pretty art is more important than.. Anything else. This is one of the worst, formulaic generic power fantasies I have ever attempted to read. The characters are unbelievably cliché, so fucking predictable that i can predict what actions they will take with 100% accuracy. Even then, i dont even see the plot or characters HALF of the time because HALF of the entire fucking manwha is backflashes rivaling persona 5. Everytime the mc faces a boss or tries to confront the person, and then you think "oh Fuck yeah hype" the storyline dawdles and delays the interaction because it just stuffs half a chapter of backflashes that nobody gives a fuck about. Generic, easy to hate villains, generic little sister and the universal redhead girl who has a crush on mc that koreans put in every manwha Ive ever read. I can close my eyes, think of a shitty every single manga/anime cliche and overworked trope and i gara-fucking-tee you all of them are in this obnoxiously boring manwha. Well, i guess this IS a turn off brain thing and to read to, but I cant just do it. 2/10, for the kinda nice art.