Solo Leveling

May 23, 2019
aw shit is the "Japan = bad" again, it's getting really boring that so many Korean authors pull that so fucking often, I mean I'm not expecting the high level of well-written science fiction in this "worse Korea is best Korea #1 everybody sucks but MC" wankfest, I came to read some hot garbage with nice action and then author pulled this, man fuck this shit.
Apr 6, 2019
Can someone spoil me on if his dad ever comes back? It's the only thing I've been waiting for honestly 😞
Jun 4, 2019
Some people are whining about the korean author portraying the Japanese as shady and bad, but conveniently forget the wombo combo of the far more blatant and overt japanese nationalism in manga and the ACTUAL war crimes the japanese comitted against korea.

This is the korean equivalent of having german villains in films because the nazis were german in the west. Damn japanophiles getting so butthurt over it is hilarious.
Jan 26, 2020
Got to love how people complain about Japan = Bad here, but don't complain about Isekai rubbish with Japan being the ultimate source of civilization and the only country with four seasons and with blackhaired individuals, especially when they end up in Europe-based worlds whereas Europe has, spoiler, four actual seasons. "Let me introduce crop rotation!" they go, ignoring that crop rotation existed even before the Middle Ages, just not in the same forms. IMPROVING crop rotation would have made more sense.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 25, 2020

Your example is just as bad. Because Germans in WW2 committed war crimes, it's okay for them to be perpetual villains? And because of this, people think Germans in WW1 were also the villains! What bs is that?

Overt nationalism? At least they're trying to sneak in their bias. Here, it's right in front of you! I'd rather take overt over this.
Active member
Aug 17, 2020
Okay, okay. I have a conjecture!
Why do only specific action mangas like this one get popular?
It’s because they’re all adaptations of novels!
A novel will only ever become a manga if it’s good enough, implying that it’s well-made and has potential to get popular.
End of conjecture.
Oct 23, 2019
yes the author potrayed japan = bad , and considering the history between the two yeah i guess someone has to be the villain. just like rocky and drago, russia = bad i guess
but then forgetting hwang dong su betrayal to their own kin. so korea = bad also? i guess its balanced out in the end 😴
Feb 14, 2019
@Vadrieriand those are weebs crying their holy land is displaying as bad
country by other country's author lol. You can't change their mind.

But seriously tho, many Japanese literature also doing the same. Vice Versa
Mar 6, 2019
bit miffed that the epic fight got cut in half with subplot bullshit.

gimme fite,
Jun 27, 2018
@portable How can a language be a villain in a war?

That aside, there were no villains in the first world war except for the Ottoman Empire (should be dubbed the satanic empire) and a few politicians and their handymen of the big banks and economy.

One thing the first world war should teach all white peoples is that they should not kill their own brothers and sisters over stupid decisions of a few profiteers. Especially the German peoples (Germans, Austrians, Belgian, Dutch, Swiss, Bohemian, Alsatian, Moravian people) suffered a lot for nothing.

The second world war was even worse, because the same anti-social ideologies that already plagued during WW I surfaced much stronger and more cruel, culling even more white people for nothing.
Instead of learning and enlightening the peoples all across the Western hemisphere, they once again blamed it on the German peoples, the biggest victims of the whole scenario.
Not only had the majority of them to live under a totalitarian leadership that heavily punished dissidence, they also lost the majority of their enabled men and women during war.

And although the Nuremberg Trials cleared away everyone that was involved in war crimes (and had not fled to South America/The Vatican before), the politicians of the other nations obviously didn't want to blame themselves for killing their own people for the sake of their ideologies, e.g. the British imperialists, who waged wars and subdued peoples around the world, the French imperialists that went as far as to demand their South East Asian colonies back or the Soviet communists that went as far as to steal German territory for the sake of intruding into the center of Europe.

So the enemies of humanity (i.e. imperialists and socialists/communists) spun the tale of the "bad German peoples" although they were at least as bad if not worse than the (national) socialists in Germany in the 1930s and 1940s considering how they regarded their own kinsmen and other non-white peoples.

All in all what we white people can learn from the wars in Europe ever since the middle ages is that anti-white ideologies only result in harm for the white peoples, they abuse them, send them to war with each other although they don't have any personal feuds and in the end the ideologists profit regardless of win or loss, while the white peoples only lose, their people die, their economies collapse, they are extorted for "reparations" and might even lose their homeland if it's separated by a treaty.

And every white man & woman has to redeem himself/herself by strongly declining the notion of taking the blame for political ideologies and their results. There is no white guilt.
Jun 27, 2018
Maybe you didn't read anything I wrote or you cannot comprehend what I wrote, but yet you try to ad hominem me?

I wrote that the people who were in charge and committed the crimes were dealt with during the Nuremberg Trials.
The others were confirmed innocent, and yet you say I defend national socialists?

That is a very anti-white thing to do, you're trying to enforce white guilt onto innocent people who did nothing wrong but were actual victims of the ideology that killed parts of their family and friends for the sake of insane ideas?

Do you seriously believe that you are at fault for what your politicians decide and others execute? Then go ahead, go to the police and get incarcerated for that.
Active member
Mar 30, 2020
First alsacien are french not german.
You took my message too seriously but german attacked belgium first having a lot of responsability to make it a world war which brought france and england into the war.
You say that ottoman empire was evil, but germany known that turk were genociding armenian and did nothing to stop it, when they were the only power able to stop it.

The war almost did not touch the german empire at this time, I would say that german during WW1 in comparison to most people in europe maybe with the exception of britain got it easy.
Germany invaded and destructed a big part of northern france by exemple.

I do not see how german(even if you state that children/civilian were not guilty which is true, they were victim mostly due to the action of their governement) were the victim in WW2 when they were clearly the agressor against poland by exemple. You reap what you are sowing. When germany was making a war of extermination in the east it was unlikely for russian to behave in the proper way even more considering the russian revolution and the war between russia and poland in 1919 or something like that.

If they disliked communism that much maybe inavading poland/france and waging war against the United State/britain was not the best idea.

I understand that young german should not feel guilty today about what happened during WW2, but clearly germany and the german people during WW2 deverve guilt for the state of WW2 and the third reich murder of millions of civilians in europe and how they plundered the country that they occupied.

Also you seems to care about white people quitte a lot, but german were responsible to murder millions of white people during ww2 in poland or in russia by treating a part of their population like animal.

I agree that war in general is a mistake and only result in misery and destruction and this does not concern just white people but people of all race. (you could replace white people by human in your last paragraph and carry the same meaning)
It only result in creating extremism and making fringe and dangerous ideology like communism or faschism popular.
The world would have been in a better state today if WW1 and WW2 did not happen.

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