It’s not serialized. Chapter 1 on pixiv is a sample for the physical dj that was released and sold at C94 - the “full” version of the chapter. Likewise, chapters 11, 28, and 35.5 are also samples, of which all but the last have been posted.
If you can avoid having your thumb over the page then you're already doing better than Moe. Just get the pages as flat as you can on the scanner and we can crop/align/clean it and make it work. PNGs would be preferred if that's an option, at whatever the highest resolution you can set it at is. If you look closely you'll notice the pages for this chapter have a smudge on the sides because Moe also wanted to keep his copy intact. We can redraw that out too if it's over anything important. Feel free to DM @moegamisama or myself, or join the discord if you'd prefer.
It's not a retcon, translators originally found the doujin previews on pixiv thinking they were the real thing, then realized it was not the full version when it was too late.
Oh boy, time to read everything again. Finally, the in-between the chapters makes so much sense now. The Dad has his guys close to Nanami senses tingling!
@kcSaya the name of the series is ゲーム好きの友達と色々する話.
現実もたまには嘘をつく is the name of the first chapter and the name under which the physical doujins are sold. Each of those is a full version of the corresponding preview chapter on pixiv - i.e. 現実もたまには嘘をつく 2 is chapter 11 in the series numbering. The series doesn’t only consist of chapters in the physical releases.
Are the full chapters finally getting translated? Thank you a ton, I’ve been putting this off until they were. I forget, which chapters were the preview ones again?