Sonna Kazoku nara Sutechaeba? - Vol. 4 Ch. 22

Dex-chan lover
Jun 26, 2023
The same thing Hikaru said, despite it not being his fault he's like this, it's the simple fact that he didn't put that damn teacher in his place when he started yapping about shit he doesn't know
While I get the anger at his passivity and weak will and lack of drive to change his life even for his child, I do agree with Papa on Ogino.
There is nothing you can say when someone comes up with the Japanese Politeness version of "Have you stopped beating your wife?"
Dex-chan lover
Sep 21, 2018
While I get the anger at his passivity and weak will and lack of drive to change his life even for his child, I do agree with Papa on Ogino.
There is nothing you can say when someone comes up with the Japanese Politeness version of "Have you stopped beating your wife?"
Actually there is: "No, I don't beat her. Never did and never will. And if you're that sure I am, prove it in court." But I guess the terror of getting into unholy legal messes is even more rooted in Japan than in the west.
Also, what kind of counseling is Ogino getting in the chapter? :thonk:
Dex-chan lover
Apr 10, 2023
The same thing Hikaru said, despite it not being his fault he's like this, it's the simple fact that he didn't put that damn teacher in his place when he started yapping about shit he doesn't know
Ichika tried it and immediately understood why. No amount of talking, screaming, threatening, or punching was going to get him to change his mind, and nothing he says matters. The girl literally tried to show him a repaired photo, and he just assumed she's retarded, put it back together herself, and thought that if she showed him the photo she fixed, he'd change his mind. He's about as interested in understanding these people as the wife is. Only difference is he's not a hysterical manchild too.

The only issue with not discouraging him from keeping up his BS is he's still talking to MC's wife. But she's pretty set on talking to him no matter what, and MC's definitely not about to smack a bitch. What exactly do you expect here?
Actually there is: "No, I don't beat her. Never did and never will. And if you're that sure I am, prove it in court." But I guess the terror of getting into unholy legal messes is even more rooted in Japan than in the west.
You're missing the point: Ogino doesn't care about the truth.

Also, what kind of counseling is Ogino getting in the chapter?
About the wife, bro. He's just pretending she's a student so it doesn't sound exactly as fucked up as it is.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 14, 2019
Hikaru (kinda) said the title, so that means we can all go home...

As if things are ever that simple 😑.

Thank you for the translation (man I wish I kiss the cleavage of the girl on the cover. I can't handle the tanktop + big boobs combo).
Group Leader
Jan 18, 2018
Caught up on all the chapters so far real quick. It's easy to show disdain for Reitarō for being passive and a pushover but that's kind of the reality of being an abuse victim. You don't question your abuser's "logic", you simply go along with it; you take the "good" as it comes, even if -- or perhaps because -- it's scarce.

For him, it has been at least eleven years of any semblance of self-esteem and identity within the family being torn and trampled. It's not a mindset that you can just get over in a day, or a week, or a month. For me, it has several years of living away from my abusive father to stop feeling extremely anxious about covering up both my ears with earphones; more time still before I figured out that his insistence that I am effectively his property because he paid for everything I "owned" was actually abusive. I wish as much as everyone that Reitarō is freed from this monster of a woman, along with the daughter he clearly cares about so much; but he also still loves his wife -- or at least the wife he had a child with.
Oct 31, 2023
all yall arguing about what the dad should do or how bad of a father he is and all i can think about are them fat tiddies that i need in my mouth
Fed-Kun's army
Feb 22, 2024
A quick reminder that Ogino is fully aware of the fact that the wife is a psycho bitch.

And Hikaru is clearly taking after his mom with the urge to abandon everything he deems bad.
ogino seems like a puritanical, sanctimonious, selfish hack, tbh. he suits the wife well. he kinda reminds me of that girlfriend from that movie 50/50; selfish and cowardly. it's not super obvious because the plot isn't really centered around him, but so far everything he's done as a teacher kinda resemble the behavior of a bad teacher who ignores the signs of a problem kid.

like you look at (ch 10 i think? the one with the parent interview) and you realize your teacher shouldn't be the one to tell the parents that their daughter has a guy friend and that that guy friend is probably screwing their daughter. like sure, she was absent, but she started class again, and you usually try to talk to the kid first and communicate with them before snitching on them to their parents.

in fact it's usually the other way around, the parents are extremely puritanical but the teachers, as counselors and advisors, recognize the parent is overstepping boundaries and that a certain degree of freedom and independence should be given to the child. they should also be more aware of domestic abuse and be willing to consult their students in private about it.

tbf, given a teacher's salary, i guess I can't say he's a "bad" teacher given that I can't really expect him to take those responsibilites seriously. personally i've had friends who (when they were kids) had good teachers that were willing to do what I described above, as well as teachers that weren't as good, but given their salary and work conditions, could really be considered average. doing what I described above is going above and beyond given teacher training and compensation, i guess.

tl;dr i think the mom and the teacher are both very selfish, and the father lacks a spine, so it all ends up being detrimental for the child.
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