Sono Bisque Doll wa Koi o Suru - Vol. 12 Ch. 93

Jul 6, 2023
I feel like the release schedule really hurts this manga sometimes. I feel kind of lost now because the last chapter was so long ago like 2 months. I do follow other manga that come out with around that same timescale but that manga has longer chapters and the story is keeping me hooked. I don't know why but I've kind of lost that here
Last chapter was 3 weeks ago.
Jul 6, 2023
This manga was always about cosplay with some fluff sprinkled here and there.

And I love that the cosplay woes in this manga are actually telling you a lot why Gojo is so insecure around Marin, why he is so afraid to even thought about confessing to her. This chapter is about Gojo finally overcoming his tunnel vision. He is a craftsman forst and foremost and his craft is the drive behind his love for Marin.

It is also a monthly/bimonthly release so I don't get the whining. So far, I really love that Fukuda is actually pacing everything right without silly speedy confessions.
The tunnel vision thing is so important.

There's one thing I don't think is mentioned in this fabric research approach, and that's that from the outset, he's been stubbornly seeking a solution that doesn't suit it, that it hasn't mastered. And that's because he's unconsciously decided that it can't come from what he represents (in this case, what he's mastered, the Hina dolls). In a way, he's suppressed this idea because the perfection he was looking for couldn't come from him.
It's exactly like his feelings for Marin. We know he's at least a little aware of them, but he's decided to bury them because it can't happen, because of who he is.

And that's where accepting his flaws is important. Here, he accepts that the solution may come from the only thing he knows, the Hina dolls. It may not be perfect, because it doesn't say so, but that's how he'll represent himself as an artist. He accepts who he is. And it's in the same way that he'll be able to accept his feelings, accepting that his "shortcomings" aren't a hindrance to them.

I hope my thoughts are at least understandable, I'm so bad at formatting my thoughts ahah
Dex-chan lover
May 19, 2023
Ehhh just say it has gotten extremely stale lately. Why can't some of you just say that?
This. There is an enormous amount of cope emanating from certain users in this comment section.
Sure, this is a cosplay manga first and foremost.
What made it popular though?
Anyone who thinks that this manga would continue to be popular if the romance was deleted entirely is deluding themselves. Anyone who thinks it would have gained even a fraction of the following it has if there never was any romance to begin with is completely insane.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 17, 2023
Look, I know that this is a cosplay manga first and a romance manga second, but let's not deceive ourselves, most people started reading it in the first place because of Marin and the romcom elements it has, and I am one of them. The author had to make this manga interesting because if this manga was JUST about cosplay and didn't have a hot female lead like Marin to use as fanservice, then no one would fucking read it. I accepted this fact at first, because don't get me wrong, I don't hate the cosplay bits. But especially with the completely fucked schedule it has, the cocktease of a confession, and the sheer length of the last two cosplay substories made this manga so fucking boring for me. I can't take a break because I'm still incredibly curious about how this manga going, I keep waiting for chapters and get disappointed. I used to be a genuine fan, and I still keep buying the manga volumes to support the author, but man, I just hope we get something worth reading at least in the next chapter.
Honestly hard fax
Dex-chan lover
Jan 12, 2021
Himeko is a winning waifu. You should be jumping for joy.

This chapter seemed short and I almost feel like they're going down the same drawn out route that rent-a-girlfried is whenever they finished up their first anime season. Really hope not tho
Is there like a "meme" 5 star in HSR? Like Qiqi in Genshin
Dex-chan lover
Jan 17, 2023
To everyone who feels like the story has gotten stale, nothing is happening, there's too much/not enough of the romance/the cosplay... I pose to you a question of framing.

How do you want to view the story? What kind of framework will you choose to view it from? Some see it as "the story is stuck because the author is making a mistake." But what if the story is stuck because the author is trying to show us something about her characters feeling stuck? If you're upset about it, isn't the author successfully building tension? When the tension resolves it's going to feel good. The more tension builds up the better it will feel upon resolution, when Gojou becomes "unstuck."

One of the fatal mistakes of criticism is to alternate between description and judgment when those processes should remain separate. They are water and oil. Describe the story, try to see perspectives you missed, learn something new about the work, and experience how it makes you feel. Once that's done you can reflect and make judgments. Judging too early is the killer of creativity and insight.

This mistake is exactly what Gojou is doing. His lack of confidence and his perfectionism and his tunnel vision are all the result of a judgment he made that he's not good enough. It's the foundation of the walls he's had around himself since chapter 1. It's the most basic theme of the entire story. His character arc is "grow as a craftsman and grow as a person."s
Jul 7, 2023
This arc has u ironically become The Endless Eight of Bisque Doll for me. Before the nutter comes through and starts shouting about how this is a cosplay manga and we NEED three chapters of... Gojo sitting in a room thinking about fabric; I get it. I'm here for the cosplay too. Love the cool concepts and opportunities the author has given herself to touch on by brushing against multiple genre with the subject matter. It's really rad and honestly helps the romance, helps build Gojo and Marins relationship by showing what each other is comfortable with.

But this ain't that. I'm not even bored at this point, it's becoming apathy. The creation of the costume could have been these three chapters, INTERESTING creation, of like Gojo learning new skills like honing his painting, or touching on making props with Akiras help, or Marin could have been there and been like, learning how to sew or something while he chugged on the costume? Nah. Three chapters of, "what could this fabric BE?!" - and it's a kimono. These three chapters were less than a day in universe, in one location, not speaking to anyone; vamping basically.

Endless Eight.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 20, 2018
I hope he's not thinking about taking apart an abhorrent expensive antique kimono to use the frabic for the costume.

Also what I learned from this chapter is that the key to enlightenment is staying up for extended periods of time and consuming an excessive amount of Monster Energy drinks.
Dex-chan lover
May 23, 2018
Author should really make the biggest troll and make Marin says "err... this isn't the same black colour, Gojou-kun" next chapter.

Then it would be fucking epic. Otherwise this is COMPLETE UTTER GARBAGE development.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 6, 2023
Gotta pad those volume counts when you aim for longer serializations
Right? Like I understand it from a business aspect, but the fact it is a work like this begins to diminish it because of it. Like Gojo has gotten growth and confidence before so continuously breaking it doesn't reinforce it at all for his character growth.
Dex-chan lover
May 27, 2019
Right? Like I understand it from a business aspect, but the fact it is a work like this begins to diminish it because of it. Like Gojo has gotten growth and confidence before so continuously breaking it doesn't reinforce it at all for his character growth.
Yup and I meant it in a good sense. Authors which have longer story plans want to land certain situations/milestones in a volume's climax/closure. Time and again will these "paddings" appear in serializations which give readers a sensation of 'we are not progressing, right?' only to be hit later with a bomb
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Dex-chan lover
Jun 6, 2023

Yup and I meant it in a good sense. Authors which have longer story plans want to land certain situations/milestones in a volume's climax/closure. Time and again will these "paddings" appear in serializations which give readers a sensation of 'we are not progressing, right?' only to be hit later with a bomb
Yup, totally see that is the case here, or at least expecting it. Hokkaido Gals, idk if you read that, is currently doing that right now. They are about to hit 100 and looks like a confession so the previous chap was called 99.5 even though it was a full chapter lmao
Double-page supporter
Jan 11, 2023
This must be the shortest chapter in a while, it's quite unfortunate really.. These chapters lately are probably going to be 10 times more enjoyable when they're all released and can be binged, but damn is it though rn...
Dex-chan lover
Jul 8, 2023
Well he finally figured out what textile he can use. But the next thing he will have to figure out is how to do the make-up; which is how to make the faces for the Bisque Dolls. He will have to get in touch with the artisan he saw over the net. That will take another, what, 5 chapters maybe? I guess the romcom flag is really switched off recently, huh?

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