I get all that. Especially not going to Pride things. Too much noise, too sexualised (not everything needs to be horny and cartoonish) etc.
I do love me some pride on a small scale. Bumper stickers, t-shirts, hats, watching She Ra...
Most of that is just visibility. “Hi. We exist. You can’t stop it.”
I wake up next to my wife and say “FUCK, I’m glad I’m gay!” and kiss her.
And yeah, I tried dating a guy once and it didn’t go super far because I... couldn’t.
he turned out to be a racist, anyway, so he can go piss his pants.
So I get that it’s not always for real, but SOMETIMES IT IS. There are other reasons for breaking up as well. That’s just one of infinite.
“Their next relationship was hetero, so they’re straight.” Or the reverse. Whatever. Either way it’s stupid.
Point is that people should just... date who they want. Or not.